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All in one interactive plotting using daru view

Prakriti Gupta edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

I had to provide the description of the topic within 1000 characters, so I made it as concise as possible.


Why only other languages have web app/Jupyter notebook plotting libraries? Need interactive plotting? No JavaScript code again, please! With daru-view, you get to plot Google charts, Highcharts, HighMaps, HighStock, Datatables, D3.js and compare them using only few a lines of Ruby. Amazing, Right?

daru-view is developed as a plugin-gem for daru and is designed for interactive plotting of charts and tables. It is basically developed but not limited to the visualization of daru dataframes and daru datavector. We can provide other inputs too like Array, Array of Array, hashes, etc.

Speaker information

Name: Prakriti Gupta
Twitter: @PrakritiGupta15
Past experience: I am a first time speaker.
Short Bio: Contributor of daru-view and daru projects, she is always looking to learn something new. She participated in Google Summer of Code 2018 with @Sciruby (Ruby Science Foundation) and was a SWE Intern 2019 @Grofers. Normally, you'll find her high on music, dancing it out.

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