A movie rating app for terminal.
I made this project to learn more about Go programming language.
- Go 1.21 or Later
- SQLite 3.30 or Later
To run API: 'make api' or if you want to specify a port 'make api PORT=xxxx'
To run TUI: 'make tui' or if you want to specify a port 'make tui PORT=xxxx'
To run CLI for IMDB: 'make cli-imdb FILE=(file path to ratings.csv)' or if you want to specify a port 'make cli-imdb PORT=xxxx FILE=(file path to ratings.csv)'
To run CLI for Letterboxd: 'make cli-letterboxd FILE=(file path to ratings.csv)' or if you want to specify a port 'make cli-letterboxd PORT=xxxx FILE=(file path to ratings.csv)'
NOTE: TUI and CLI won't work if the API is not running.
NOTE: Default PORT number is 8080.
A CRUD API for movies. It uses SQLite as the database.
Use this route to insert new movies.
"title": ... (Mandatory)
"year": ... (Mandatory)
"rating": ... (Between 1 and 10 [both including])
"imdbRating": ... (Between 1 and 10 [both including])
"genres": [... , ...]
"directors": [... , ...]
Use this route when you really want to insert another movie with same name and year information.
"title": ... (Mandatory)
"year": ... (Mandatory)
"rating": ... (Between 1 and 10 [both including])
"imdbRating": ... (Between 1 and 10 [both including])
"genres": [... , ...]
"directors": [... , ...]
Use this route to get all movies.
limit: For limiting the number of movies that you get (Default is 10)
skip: For skipping the first x number of movies (Default is 0)
order: For changing the order of movies (Default is 0) (You need to provide a number between 0 and 13 [both including])
title: For filtering based on title
yearMax: For filtering based on movie release years
yearMin: For filtering based on movie release years
ratingMax: For filtering based on your ratings
ratingMin: For filtering based on your ratings
imdbMax: For filtering based on IMDB ratings
imdbMin: For filtering based on IMDB ratings
genres: For filtering based on genres (You can seperate multiple values with "," it acts like "OR")
directors: For filtering based on directors (You can seperate multiple values with "," it acts like "OR")
Use this route to only receive the information of one movie.
Use this route to change the information of a movie.
"title": ...
"year": ...
"rating": ... (Between 1 and 10 [both including])
"imdbRating": ... (Between 1 and 10 [both including])
"genres": [... , ...]
"directors": [... , ...]
Use this route for deleting a movie.
The application that consumes the API.
I could've made a web app but I wanted to make something different and made this terminal app.
It's based on tview package.
A CLI applicaton for feeding CSV data into the API.
You can export your ratings on IMDB or Letterboxd and import them into the database using this CLI tool.
I suggest you to use IMDB because it's exported ratings.csv
file has more information.
To export your ratings:
FOR IMDB: Go to Your Ratings
, click the 3 dots, click Export
FOR LETTERBOXD: Go to Settings
, click Data
, click Export Your Data
. (We only need ratings.csv
other ones are unnecessary)