First there was CRobots, followed by PRobots and many others, recently (well also years ago) Robocode emerged and finally this is RRobots bringing all the fun to the ruby community.
RRobots is a simulation environment for robots, these robots have a scanner and a gun, can move forward and backwards and are entirely controlled by ruby scripts. All robots are equal (well at the moment, maybe this will change) except for the ai.
A simple robot script may look like this:
require 'robot'
class NervousDuck
include Robot
def tick events
turn_radar 1 if time == 0
turn_gun 30 if time < 3
accelerate 1
turn 2
fire 3 unless events['robot_scanned'].empty?
All you need to implement is the tick method which should accept a hash of events occured turing the last tick.
By including Robot you get all this methods to control your bot:
Method | Description |
battlefield_height | The height of the battlefield |
battlefield_width | The width of the battlefield |
energy | Your remaining energy (if this drops below 0 you are dead) |
gun_heading | The heading of your gun, 0 pointing east, 90 pointing north, 180 pointing west, 270 pointing south |
gun_heat | Your gun heat, if this is above 0 you can't shoot |
heading | Your robots heading, 0 pointing east, 90 pointing north, 180 pointing west, 270 pointing south |
size | Your robots radius, if x <= size you hit the left wall |
radar_heading | The heading of your radar, 0 pointing east, 90 pointing north, 180 pointing west, 270 pointing south |
time | Ticks since match start |
speed | Your speed (-8/8) |
x | Your x coordinate, 0...battlefield_width |
y | Your y coordinate, 0...battlefield_height |
accelerate(param) | Accelerate (max speed is 8, max accelerate is 1/-1, negativ speed means moving backwards) |
stop | Accelerates negativ if moving forward (and vice versa), may take 8 ticks to stop (and you have to call it every tick) |
fire(power) | Fires a bullet in the direction of your gun, power is 0.1 - 3, this power will heat your gun |
turn(degrees) | Turns the robot (and the gun and the radar), max 10 degrees per tick |
turn_gun(degrees) | Turns the gun (and the radar), max 30 degrees per tick |
turn_radar(degrees) | Turns the radar, max 60 degrees per tick |
dead | True if you are dead |
say(msg) | Shows msg above the robot on screen |
broadcast(msg) | Broadcasts msg to all bots (they recieve 'broadcasts' events with the msg and rough direction) |
These methods are intentionally of very basic nature, you are free to unleash the whole power of ruby to create higher level functions. (e.g. move_to, fire_at and so on)
Some words of explanation: The gun is mounted on the body, if you turn the body the gun will follow. In a simmilar way the radar is mounted on the gun. The radar scans everything it sweeps over in a single tick (100 degrees if you turn your body, gun and radar in the same direction) but will report only the distance of scanned robots, not the angle. If you want more precission you have to turn your radar slower.
RRobots is implemented in pure ruby using a tk ui and should run on all platforms that have ruby and tk. (until now it's tested on windows, OS X and several linux distributions)
To start a match call:
ruby rrobots.rb [resolution] [#match] [-nogui] [-speed=<N>] [-timeout=<N>] <FirstRobotClassName[.rb]> <SecondRobotClassName[.rb]> <...>
Argument | Optional? | Description | Default |
resolution | optional | Should be of the form 640x480 or 800*600. | 800x800 |
match | optional | To replay a match, put the match# here, including the #sign. | |
-nogui | optional | Run the match without the gui, for highest possible speed. Ignores speed value if present. | |
-speed= | optional | Updates GUI after every N ticks. The higher the N, the faster the match will play. | 1 |
-timeout= | optional | Number of ticks a match will last at most. | 5000 |
The names of the rb files have to match the class names of the robots (up to 8 robots), e.g. ruby rrobots.rb SittingDuck NervousDuck
or ruby rrobots.rb 600x600 #1234567890 SittingDuck NervousDuck
If you want to run a tournament call:
ruby tournament.rb [-timeout=<N>] [-matches=<N>] (-dir=<Directory> | <RobotClassName[.rb]>+)
Argument | Optional? | Description | Default |
-timeout= | Optional | Number of ticks a match will last at most. | 10000 |
-matches= | Optional | How many times each robot fights every other robot. | 2 |
-dir= | All .rb files from that directory will be matched against each other. |
The names of the rb files have to match the class names of the robots.
Each robot is matched against each other 1 on 1. The results are available as yaml or html files.