This package was developed during the Horizon 2020 project Hybrid Human-Robot RECYcling plant for electriCal and eLEctRonic equipment,, at the Chair of Automatic Control Engineering, Technical University Munich.
It wraps a COMAU-Racer 5 0.80 industrial robot or cobot with dedicated tools and grippers.
The focus was on providing
- a framework for the ROS-based control of the robot, including motion planner and end-effector control in SE(3),
- control capabilities of end-effector tools (electric and pneumatic gripper, screwdriver, shaft grinder),
- force-guided manipulation skills that rely on F/T-measurements at the wrist of the robot to cope with uncertain visual input.
contains tool controllers and manipulation skills.hrr_common
contains URDFs, common code snippets / helper functions, as well as the rviz launch/configuration file to evaluate the robot setup before launching.hrr_controllers
contains robot controllers.
For a more complete documentation, please reach out.