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The code for the SearchSECO portal.

Required tokens

To run the portal there should be a keys.json file with the grafana_token and github_token. You also need to generate the gmail tokens. To do this first run node auth.js. This will give a link where you need to log in with the gmail account to send mail from. This will give a link with a code. Copy this code and paste it in token.js. After this run node token.js to generate the tokens. In order to work with https you also need to make sure there are the key.pem and cert.pem files.

Running the portal

To run the portal you shpuld first build the docker image: docker build -t portal-image .. After this you can run the portal using

docker run --name portal -d -p 443:8000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart=always portal-image