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Selenium IDE v4

Todd Tarsi edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

What is Selenium IDE?

It's a record and playback tool written on open source technologies with extensible capabilities for vendor and framework agnostic export. Historically, it's been a webextension, except the latest version isn't.

Getting started

Start here

Tips for v3 users:

How can I migrate from v3 to v4?

We publish a package here with a pretty short set of instructions. Also, it's on npm, you will need NodeJS in some version greater than 16.0.

Why is v4 not a webextension anymore?

Because webextensions generally trade ease of installation for later pain in workflows for both our users and our developers:

  • Local record and playback can't properly handle browser level features like alerts or cookie clearing.
  • Adding custom logic is overly complicated, requiring entirely different paradigms for local and remote playback.
  • Webextension security changes in the past have caused years of additional work, and was the whole reason for v2 to v3.
  • V3 is a manifest v2 webextension. All manifest v2 webextensions will be scrubbed from the store in January 2024. For many core bits of functionality (execute script, assert, store), there is no way to transport this functionality to a manifest v3 version of the extension. Even if we wanted to stay a webextension (which we don't), there is no way to do so without completely hobbling the capabilities of the tool and leaving existing tests with no upgrade path.