This is a renamer bot 😉
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Press the following button to deploy in heroku.
Support only in Group.
Renaming Telegram files as file or video.
Trace Channel to track the users what they are doing with your bot.
Password to use bot in private.
Permanent thumbnail support.
Timegap to protect bot from spamming.
/mode to change upload mode.
Forcesub users to join you channel before using your bot.
Get this value from -
Get this value from -
Get the bot token from Bot Father -
Your Telegram user id, Get this value from @FileStore_Nsbot -
Your Telegram group id in which bot should work.
List of Auth User IDs separated by whitespace and who had right to use admin commands. -
List of banned users IDs whom you want to stop from using your bot sperate each user by whitespace. -
Give a password to your bot to make bot private and can be used by only logged users. (AUTH_USERS and OWNER can use without login) -
The custom caption to be added when sending the renamed File. -
The username of your channel without @ to force users to join your channel in order to use this bot. -
The timegap between requests in seconds to stop user from flooding bot. -
A telegram channel Id to send the users data who are using bot.
start - check whether bot is alive or not
rename - reply to the media with new name
mode - change video upload mode to file or video
savethumbnail - reply to a photo to save as permanent thumbnail
showthumbnail - to check permanent thumbnail
deletethumbnail - to delete the permanent thumbnail
help - know how to use the bot
about - know about the bot
reset - (admins only) reset users database
login - (when password is given) to login to bot
MaheshMalekar ❤ for teaching me python