The purpose of this project is to re-code some
functions, as well as other common utility functions to be reused in the subsequent 42 projects.
- test for ASCII character.ft_isalnum
- alphanumeric character test.ft_isalpha
- alphabetic character test.ft_isdigit
- decimal-digit character test.ft_isprint
- printing character test (space character inclusive).ft_tolower
- upper case to lower case letter conversion.ft_toupper
- lower case to upper case letter conversion.
- write zeroes to a byte string.ft_memset
- write a byte to a byte string.ft_memchr
- locate byte in byte string.ft_memcmp
- compare byte string.ft_memmove
- copy byte string.ft_memcpy
- copy memory area.
- find length of string.ft_strchr
- locate character in string (first occurrence).ft_strrchr
- locate character in string (last occurence).ft_strnstr
- locate a substring in a string (size-bounded).ft_striteri
- apply the function all the elements of string.ft_strncmp
- compare strings (size-bounded).ft_strdup
- save a copy of a string (with malloc).ft_strlcpy
- size-bounded string copying.ft_strlcat
- size-bounded string concatenation.
- output a character to given file.ft_putstr_fd
- output string to given file.ft_putendl_fd
- output string to given file with newline.ft_putnbr_fd
- output integer to given file.ft_itoa
- convert integer to ASCII string.ft_substr
- extract substring from string.ft_strtrim
- trim beginning and end of string with the specified characters.ft_strjoin
- concatenate two strings into a new string (with malloc).ft_split
- split string, with specified character as delimiter, into an array of strings.ft_strmapi
- create new string from modifying string with specified function.
- create new list.ft_lstsize
- count elements of a list.ft_lstlast
- find last element of list.ft_lstadd_back
- add new element at end of list.ft_lstadd_front
- add new element at beginning of list.ft_lstdelone
- delete element from list.ft_lstclear
- delete sequence of elements of list from a starting point.ft_lstiter
- apply function to content of all list's elements.ft_lstmap
- apply function to content of all list's elements into new list.