Now dependant on Lavalink4NET.DSharpPlus too
Now dependant on OpenJDK Runtime 17 too
Now includes Lavalink inside the installation directory (size got bumped up by 60 MB)
New logo to GitHub repository
New module MusicStreaming
with new commands (more info in the Wiki )
player disconnect
= Disconnect the bot from your voice channel
player join
= Joins the bot into your voice channel
player set-volume
= Changes the volume of the player
player show-lyrics
= Shows you the lyrics of the current played song
player start
= Starts the music stream into your voice channel
player stop
= Stops the music stream from playing
Code cleanup
CI Updates for better processability
core info azzy
and core ping azzy
can now be used on windows too
core ping azzy
has way less information than on linux because of the insufficient rights of a regular user account
You can’t perform that action at this time.