2.3.1 - 2025-03-03
- Updated DSharpPlus to version 5.0.0-nightly-02461
- Updated Lavalink4NET to version 4.0.27
- Updated Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools to version 9.0.2
- Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting to version 9.0.2
- Updated NCronJob to version 4.3.4
- Updated Npgsql to version 9.0.3
- Updated Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL to version 9.0.4
- Updated Roslynator to version 4.13.1
- Updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to version
- Checking if a song was requested already now works exactly as wanted
- Options validation now works correctly and doesn't throw exceptions anymore
music nowplaying
works again when you stream over icecast instead of the integrated AzuraCast stream feature