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Azzy 2.0.0 AzzyBot Settings

Sella-GH edited this page Jan 25, 2025 · 6 revisions


Where to find

Look inside the AzzyBot/Settings folder

The settings explained


Name Description Default Required?
BotToken Here you have to enter your bot token. null yes
ServerId The server id of the future administrative server. 0 yes
ErrorChannelId The channel id of the general error channel. 0 yes
NotificationChannelId The channel id of the general notification channel. 0 yes


Name Description Default Required?
EncryptionKey The encryption key for sensitive data inside the database. null yes
NewEncryptionKey If you want to change your encryption key, enter the new one in here. null no
Host If you use an existing database host, enter the Hostname or IP. null no
Port If you use an existing database host, enter the port. null no
User If you use an existing database host, enter the user. null no
Password If you use an existing database host, enter the password of the user. null no
DatabaseName If you use an existing database host, choose a manual database name. null no

Discord Status

Name Description Default Required?
Activity 0 = Playing, 1 = Streaming, 2 = ListeningTo, 3 = Watching, 5 = Competing 2 no
Doing Set your bot's doing via simple text. "Music" no
Status 0 = Offline, 1 = Online, 2 = Idle, 4 = DoNotDistrub, 5 = Invisible 1 no
StreamUrl Set your bot's streaming URL when Streaming is used as an activity. This has to be a valid URL! null no

Music Streaming

Name Description Default Required?
LavalinkHost If you use an existing lavalink host, enter the Hostname or IP. null no
LavalinkPort If you use an existing lavalink host, enter the port. null no
LavalinkPassword If you use an existing lavalink host, enter the passphrase. null no

Integrated Updater

Name Description Default Required?
DisplayChangelog Set to true if you want to see the changelog of Azzy changes when a new release is published. true yes
DisplayInstructions Set to true if you want to see instructions on how to update Azzy when a new release is published. true yes

Use Azzy with an existing database or lavalink server

You will find a file like this there. This file was slimmed out to the only necessary settings which are needed to run the bot.

If you use an already set up database or lavalink server in another container, then you have to change the settings accordingly. Use this file instead as it gives you all the needed settings to get the bot running there.