⚙️Social Buzz, a rapidly expanding technology unicorn, must adapt swiftly to its global scale.
❓But with such an overwhelming volume, how can it be effectively leveraged?
📊An analysis is needed to identify Social Buzz's top 5 most popular categories.
Conducting an audit of Social Buzz's big data practices
Providing strategic recommendations to ensure a successful IPO
Analyzing data to identify Social Buzz's top five most popular content categories
There are 16 distinct content categories, with Animal and Science being the most popular.
The content types include Photo, Video, Gif, and Audio, with Photo and Video being the most preferred by the audience.
The highest number of posts occur in May.
Efforts should prioritize the top 5 categories: Animal, Technology, Science, Healthy Eating, and Food.
Campaigns should be tailored to target audiences interested in these categories.
Focus on maximizing content during January, May, and August, as these months see the highest activity.