A NSFW content filter.
With a motive of minimizing the spreads and leakage of NSFW contents on internet and access to others devices , we a member of three:
- Dikshyanta Aryal : (https://github.com/Dikshyantaaryal)
- Paras Shrestha : (https://github.com/theParas)
have gathered some python scripts which uses a large dataset trained vgg16 CNN model, OpenCV and and few of python scripts together assembled for the fundamental fullfillment of our motive. We currently have two versions of this project. The version 1 is based on smaller dataset collected by us and we are planning to train that model for larger datasets. The version 2 is based on the vgg16 Convolutional Neural Network.
We further seek our project being embedded in builtin smartphone Cameras,CCTV cameras, webcams and many more.