- 👋 Hi, here is @SepineTam from China
- 👀 I’m interested in everything which is amazing
- 🌱 I’m currently learning python, swift, and lots of theroy of economics
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on economy research on China Rural and Economics
- 📫 Mail me to sepinetam@gmail.com
- 📧 But you' d better cc to tan22120120@shu.edu.cn
- 🌐 Have two website, www.sepinetam.com & www.4shuer.com (maybe it could not visit, if true visit www.s-tam.ghost.io)
School of Economics, Shanghai University.
How to describe it?🤔 Amazing school😂
Wonderful creative that can' t image!
OMG! I' m tired enough to do anything! May I take a rest for myself thing?