Latest version: v3.0.0
Edit config.json for your configs previously saved in index.js. Also allows auto updating using Caali's Proxy. If you are using the old playerdata.json you have, then, use the commmad dumigrate
in proxy chat after copying the playerdata.json in the main folder.
Version 2.1.0: Added automatic detection for new packets definition based on new protocol version. Update your bin/tera-data before starting game if theres a new client revison that changes S_USER_EXTERNAL_CHANGE. ONLY WORKS WITH ABSOLUTE LATEST PROXY VERSION.
Note: There is a command 'dupacket' that can do this check also. Just unequip something after using this command to check.
- Commands module by Pinkie-Pie:
- Auto Update by Caali
A Tera Proxy Module to change the look of your friends, enemies or anyone in your visible vicnity. Appearance is Client Sided. Using the commands on anyone will cause their equipped costumes/equipment to change to look like yours/the customised equip. Can be customized using itemids.
Disable the module and this clears all entries and effectively prevents the logging of targets if you face lag in high population area.
When logging in you should see a message 'current equipped saved'. When you change your appearance in any way, you should see this message again. This signifies the current equip you have is saved and to be copied onto your targets.
To reset a target's appearance to their original, just move out till you cannot see them and move back in to reload.
There is an option to negate changers. Changers are selfconfidence potions, Shrink/Grow potions and big head potions. When negate changers is enabled, any target which has changers on will have their effect ended (client side) when attempting to dress them up. Currently I only added those that I logged from tera NA currently, so that there is no need to end 20 over abnormalities. If somehow the changers are not negated, then add more ids on your own in CHANGER_ABNORMALITY. I included a list of ids, and if you also want to negate height/chest/thigh changers, add in those ids on your own too (use 'present version' indicated ones).
Change your configs in config.json, a file automatically generated on your first login. Relog to put it into effect.
Set 'MAINTAIN_COSTUME' in index.js to true if you want to maintain the changed equipment on your target even if he/she changes her/his appearances. This only works if he/she is in your sight and their appearance will revert when they go out of your sight.
Set 'MESSAGE_OVERRIDE_CHANGES' to false to stop system messages from appearing when someone is changed via automatic costume change from dressupsave command.
Other options:
: Default enabling of object. Keep at false if you do not use this module often.
: Default negate big head/self confidence shape changers, true=remove/negate changers on target. false=allow changers on target
: Default saving of fake costume packet from costume mods. true will ignore all costume changes set by other modules.
: Default saving of costume automatically.
: Default mode of module. See modes.js
Commands: NO SPACES IN ARGUMENTS, and only 1 space between command and argument. use commas to separate multiple arguments.
USE ! as prefix to any commands if u are not typing commands in /proxy chat. IMPORTANT!
du change (name)
: Dress up the named person appearance with your saved costume/appearance. Can be in any captialization, just spelling matters. Eg: du change seren
can dress up any igns seren,Seren, SEREN, seReN,etc. Only works if you can see them and have not disabled the module.
du save (name)
: Dress up AND SAVE the named person appearance with your saved costume/appearance. Works though logouts/out of range, where the character changed appearance will stay till it is deleted with next command OR module is disabled. You can use this to decide what each individual on your server looks like on your end permenently till you disable/use next command. Eg: du save seren
can dress up any igns seren,Seren, SEREN, seReN,etc and saves the changed appearance/costume. When 'Seren' is come across again after logouts/out of range, seren will be dressed up as what is saved. The character datas are all saved in playerdata.json.
du delete (name)
: Delete the named person saved by the previous command. Eg. du delete Seren
deletes seren's saved data.
du toggle
: Toggle enabling/disabling of module. Disable module will disable logging of targets around you, disables saving of your appearances and clears all saved targets. This effectively makes the module disabled. You have to unequip and re-equip something to save your appearances (look for the message that indicates this), as well as move out and back into the visible vicinity of your targets to save their ids after re-enabling the module.
One word about saved characters using dressupsave is that if you play across multiple servers, then the appearances of all the same saved characters will changed to be the same. So be wise which one you chose to export with.
du changers
: Toggles negate changers or not. Enable=negates changers, ending their effect on the target. Disable does otherwise.
du fake
: Toggle to ignore fake generated packets that changed your costume by other modules from affecting the saved costume.
du id (name)
:Checks the item ID of the costume parts that the named target have and also prints them out in console(command prompt). Must be in your vicinity. Eg: du id Seren
checks seren's costume item IDs. This is a useful command because you can copy what is on your command prompt and paste what is INSIDE the curly bracket ({}) together with 'ducustom' command. That is, 'ducustom {itemID infomation}' to obtain a saved equipped of the target(in this eg, seren) and with dressup commands you can paste the target (in this eg, seren) equip on another player. Procedure: 'duid (name of target you want to copy costume)=>copy from command prompt(that is rightclick, then mark and copy)=>'ducustom '=>dressupsave (name of target to copy TO) or just dressup if you dont want to save.
du mode (mode number)
: Change modes to prevent some parts from being changed. See modes section.
du mode (part name)
:Prevent specific equip parts from being changed on the target. See modes section.
du custom fix
: If you have a custom module (eg: costume-ex) you can use this command to temporarily stop the such modules from changing your appearance, yet saving the infomation of the changes to the equips to be copied onto target. This only works for 1 change. This is probably only useful if using dressing room, you can use this command, enter dress room and exit without your appearance changing but the saved equipped will be changed, if you wish to look different from your target. However, subsquent changes will cause the look saved by costume-ex to take over your appearances. Not a very useful command tbh, might be broken.
du custom json
- Enter the custom item id in the appropriate field in ducustom.json and save it. If an entry does not require modification, leave it as blank with the quotation marks (" ") still around. Then enter this command. Your saved costume will be modified with the ducustom.json content.
du custom (part name)(itemId),(part name)(itemId),....
- Changes the part saved in your saved equipped costume/appearance to the itemId entered. Enter multiple partname and ids separated by a comma (,) for multiple changes. NO spaces in between (partname)(itemid),.... See customization section.
If you want to reset the changes made, just unequip and reequip any part of your equipment and changes will be overwritten and resetted.
du export
: Create an export file (called 'importdata.json') saving your character costume infomation. You can send this file on to other players with this module to change what YOUR character looks like on their end, if their module is enabled and they have used the 'duimport' command. (SEE below). Can contain multiple characters, so u can export all your alts, however you must enter this command on each one that you want to save. Overrides the saved character info if importdata.json already contains it with the new infomation. No cids are recorded, only name+itemIDs. No restarts or shutdown of proxy required to copy and send the file.
du import
: Imports the file (importdata.json) in your module folder. importdata.json obtained from other player must be put into the module folder where the index.js of this mod is located (ie: bin/node_modules/DressUpYourFriends, with -master if you are a lazy person lul). If you want to use another person importdata.json but have one of your own importdata.json currently in your module folder, backup your one and delete then copy the one sent by the other party in the module folder. This copies all characters stored in importdata.js, to copy only one or a select few, use 'duimport (name)'. No restarts or shutdown of proxy required to use this command after importdata.json has been copied into the folder, just copy and use the command.
du import (name)
: Same as previous command, only that instead of importing all the characters inside importdata.json, you only import the named character. eg: 'duimport seren' only imports seren character from importdata.json, even if other characters exists.
One word about exports/imports is that if you play across multiple servers, then the appearances of all the same named characters will changed to be the same. So be wise which one you chose to export with.
Also, what the duimport command does is to import the data from importdata.json into playerdata.json (the file created/saved in when you use dressupsave). After importing is done using duimport command, you can replace importdata.json with another player's so that multiple imports can be done from different players to create a common savefile (playerdata.json) where all the players characters will look like how it is on their end.
This module saves the costume info of people around you so you can prevent certain parts on the target from being changed. You can customize the parts on the target you want to prevent from being changed using 2 methods:
For modes, there are 6 different modes number that changes what will be replaced on the target. View them in modes.js.
You can add more modes on your own in modes.js under modefunc. Follow instruction in modes.js to figure out how.
Example: Type 'dumode 1' if you want to prevent target weapon and weapon skin from being changed.
This is a simpler way to customize the parts you want without using modes. Use the parts names together with the command 'dumode ' (notice the space! It's important) to customize which part on the target you want to prevent from being changed. Separate out the parts using commas(,) so that the command will be accepted
Part names are as follows, with the description at the side. Models are usually 0 afaik. Use this as new keywords when using ducustom/dumode. Spelling is all that matters, capitalization does not matter, the module will recognize the words.
0:'weapon', //General equips on 1st tab in character profile
7:'weaponModel', //I have to freaking idea whats model for but whatever
11:'weaponDye', //Dyes for general equips. have to input the entry readable by tera. Will work on this sometime to allow hexcode
19:'weaponEnchant', //Weapon Enchantment. 0-9 in this current patch I think.
20:'styleHead', //The proper costumes on second tab
26:'styleBodyDye' //Dye for Body costume. Only applies if the costume is dyeable
Hopefully the part names are self explanatory.
Example: type 'dumode styleface,stylebody' if you want to mask and costume of the target from being changed.
Two methods of customization are available, using the json file or typing the command. Using json has been explained above already.
This uses this command, where each part and itemid are separated by a comma (,). No spaces between partname and itemId.
ducustom (part name)(itemId),(part name)(itemId),....
Part names are stated above.
Example: 'ducustom stylehead150208,styleweapon185498,stylebody255196' to change your saved hat/weaponskin/costume equipped to Bizzare tiered hat, castanic wedding dress, and a plasma cannon weaponskin.
You can also just use 'ducustom stylebody255196' if you just want to change a single part. In this example it changes the saved costume to castanic wedding dress.
Simple customization is stackable, where each change will modify the costume part and previous changes will still be counted in. The latest itemId for that part is copied.
Reminder that you can also copy and paste what is obtained within the curly brackets ({ and }) in the console when using 'duid (name)', and then using 'ducustom {infomation}' to customize the saved equips to that of the one obtained by duid.
The following bugs pertain to body costumes only. Other parts are largely unaffected and will copy over.
- You can only apply a costume sucessfully only if the target model(race and class) is able to support the costume. In other words, no applying of elin costume on barakas or no applying of leather costume on metal classes.
- When a user has modesty potion on, then your costume won't be able to show. Use 'duchangers' to stop this.
- Using this on another race will cause their costume to revert to default, even if that costume is available for that race too (eg: winter orchid is available to all classes and race, but using a castanic ver on an elin just reverts the elin costume to a defaulted one). There is no workaround for this because the ids are different for different races i have to log every single costume id of the different classes for each costume if i were to do this, but there is a way to enter your custom costume ids soon.
- It worked alright when i unequipped costume and left the equipments or inners(fml,see safety advice 1) equipped. I tested a castanic and lul, have you seen a elin using arccannon before?
Other bugs:
- Ninja/Reaper weapon is tested to be kinda buggy.
- Simply move out and back from the sight of the target to reload their appearances.
- Probably will not save module-changed appearances by other modules yet. Will try to do that next, after working out the costume issues.
- Forced erp is a henious crime in the land of baldera. I am not responsible should you be caught by the popo(ri) due to misuse.
- It is impossible for me to test every aspect so expect bugs here and there.
- Fix bugs
- Implement dye-ing using color hex codes
- Re write Readme
Might have issues with other modules that are undetected, although I have coded hooks to run later than other modules to see changes made and log them. This does not interfere/modify the dispatched packets from other modules. The only packet that comes through and modified (silenced) is 'S_USER_EXTERNAL_CHANGE' in the case where it is from a target that is not the playing character.
Surgeon module might work to ensure race compatibility. Untested yet.
The compatibility with other modules is an experimental feature. Tests have shown that it works but there might be bugs.
- Bernkastel's Costume-ex for module feature testing and better customization.
- Teralove's emote-player module for the looping code to save players name/ign