#Entity IncomePlan
Is created in Time & Budget system by unit managers/top managers from page Yolka. Exported from Time & Budget into 1C by invoking getIncomePlan operation.
####IncomePlan entity fields:
- entry_id (decimal): unique budget plan entity ID, assigned internally in Time & Budget DB
- unit_id (decimal): unique unit ID, assigned internally in Time & Budget DB
- unit_title (string): human-redable unit title, assigned in Time & Budget system
- brand_id (decimal): unique brand ID, assigned internally in Time & Budget DB
- brand_title (string): human-redable brand title, assigned in Time & Budget system
- year (decimal): a year income plan entity is created for, used in combination with month field
- month (decimal): a month income plan entity is created for, used in combination with year field
- value (decimal): an income plan value as entered by unit manager/top manager
- comment (string): extra comment left by unit manager/top manager during entering plan value
####Example request about actual income sent from 1C to Time & Budget system:
<unit_title>unit 1</unit_title>
<brand_title>brand 2</brand_title>
<comment>comment 1</comment>
####Example from Time & Budget system
####Connection between request fields and Time & Budget system screen:
unit_id - based on 1, used internally
unit_title - 1
brand_id - based on 2, used internally
brand_title - 2
year, month - made by 3
value - 5
comment - 6