This is a Shopper application app created using NodeJS (Express app) and ReactJS.
How To Run
First, make sure you have postgres running on your localhost, on port 5432. Run
node models/database.js
to create the app's table. -
Second, run
npm run build
. This will compile all the front end dependencies. -
Finally, run
npm start
and head over tolocalhost:3000
to check the app!
I decided to work more on the front end for this app since I love React!
However, i did a minimalistic version of Part 2. Just go to localhost:3000/funnels.json
to see the json response.
Possible Improvements
Use a common store to store the full state of the app, like Redux
Configure tables to make part 2 simple to implement
Adding functional (using nightwatch) and unit tests (since it's supposed to be prod level code)
Enjoy it!