rsync - freshly complied from official stable releases on alpine
Check the following link for a new version:
You can specify DOCKER_REGISTRY
environment variable (for example my.registry.tld
and use the build script to build the main container and it's variants for x86_64, arm64 and arm
You'll find all images tagged like a3.15.0-r3.2.7
which means a<alpine version>-r<rsync version>
This way you can pin your installation/configuration to a certian version. or easily roll back if you experience any problems
(don't forget to open a issue in that case ;D).
To build a latest
tag run ./ release
- 2023-03-20
- complete upgrade
- rsync upgrade to
- github action to build container
- implemented as new registry
- 2021-05-28
- fixed build by switched to
- fixed build by switched to
- 2020-11-05
- multiarch build
- rsync version update to
log file = /dev/stdout
use chroot = yes
list = yes
uid = nobody
gid = nogroup
transfer logging = no
timeout = 600
ignore errors = no
refuse options = checksum dry-run
dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz
- RSYNC_SECRET_mysecretname
- adds a new secret to /etc/rsyncd.secrets
- multiple secrets possible by adding unique name to RSYNC_SECRET_
- examples
- "rsyncclient:passWord"
- "alice:PassWord"
to enable authentication add the following to your volume config (inside or outside the location tag):
auth users = alice;
- adds a new rsyncd volume configuration
- multiple variables/confgurations possible by adding unique configname to RSYNC_VOLUME_CONFIG_
- examples
- "[alice]; path = /shares/alice; comment = alices public files; read only = yes"
- "[timemachine]; path = /shares/timemachine; comment = timemachine files; ignore errors = yes"
- adds a new rsyncd option to configuration file
- multiple options possible by adding unique optionname to RSYNC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_
- examples
- "max connections = 0"
- "read only = no"
rsync servername::volume # lists files in volume
rsync alice@servername::volume # lists files in volume with user alice