The module defines several resources for SSH. Notably:
- ssh::resource::sshd -- Ensure sshd runs (or does not) on the specified node.
- ssh::resource::key -- Create or destroy an ssh key for a given user.
- ssh::resource::known_hosts -- Create or destroy a user's known_hosts listing.
Each resource is thoroughly documented. Please refer to them for full details.
From the root of your puppet repository add this module as a submodule:
$ git submodule add git:// modules/ssh
To enable sshd:
class { 'ssh::resource::sshd':
ensure => present,
To build the 'foo' user's id_rsa key:
ssh::resource::key { 'id_rsa':
ensure => present,
user => 'foo',
and set the known_hosts for user 'foo':
ssh::resource::known_hosts { 'foo':
hosts => ',',
user => 'foo',