Wiki | Milestone of 1.0 | Project Discussion | Discussion on Babiato | Issues
*Belloo is a Complete dating software with incredible out of the box ready-to-use functionality. Most of the functionality does not work properly or at all. The code is chaotic, written in a bad way, and contains all the bad programming practices you can imagine. In addition, it contains quite a few errors and is vulnerable. **YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK**.*
Belloo-X is an attempt to modify the entire script in order to bring it to a usable state.
The original script contains many suspicious lines of code that refer or link to the servers/addresses of its creator.
At the same time, there are many references to the creator's domain in the database. Look for the string “belloo” in the database.
All products of the author Belloo: “premiumdatingscript” have been removed from Codecanyon probably for low-quality code, numerous bugs, user complaints and possibly theft attempts.
The official list of updates is here: Belloo Updates Center
Remember to never copy the connect.php file from the author!
Do not use his php and sql files, which are used for automatic updates!
Compare each file and its changes through WinMerge for example, and make changes manually!
- SERVER: Apache 2 or NGINX
- PHP: 7.4 or higher
- MySQLi
- GD Library, cURL, Zip Module, mbstring, allow_url_fopen
- valid SSL certificate
- patience and programming skills
Check out our list of contributors and become one of them.
Visit the Babiato forum to check out the extensive discussion of the Belloo script.
Feel free to report any bugs or vulnerabilities here: New issue
Or review existing reported Issues