Releases: Shabinder/soundbound-extensions-lib
Soundbound v1.0.6
Soundbound Release v1.0.6
- Stability: Fixed various bugs and better error traces.
- Search: Auto-detect links.
- Feed: Better Localised Results, with user configurability.
- Desktop: Some Performance Changes, please update and lemme know if CPU usage stabilizes with this version.
- UI:
- Widgets State Update Fixes.
- Source configuration option.
- UI fixes for better toasts, etc.
I am very grateful for all the support you folks show!
I hope you enjoy the app!
Soundbound v1.0.3
Soundbound Release v1.0.3
I am very grateful for all the support you folks show!
Soundbound will keep on becoming better day by day, so stay tuned, and any support is appreciated.
I hope you folks enjoy the app!
- UI: More Improvements & Fixes.
- Performance: Some more improvements.
- Stability: Various bug fixes like:
- Download error fixes, like Operation Not Permitted in Android.
- Windows Desktop Google Login and other flow fixes.
- Localization: Merged Language Fixes contributions.
- Coins: Earn Coins support from multiple ad providers, less chance of failed to load ads.
Soundbound v1.0.0
This release is a major milestone for Soundbound, I am very grateful for all the support you folks show!
Soundbound will keep on becoming better day by day, so stay tuned, and any support is appreciated.
I hope you folks enjoy the app!
- UI: Smoother than ever.
- Performance: Major improvements.
- Stability: Implemented many fixes and improvements.
- Localization: Added initial multi-language support: Help with Translations
- Storage & Downloads: Customizable Naming templates Support.
- Desktop Support: Initial Desktop Support. (consider it as beta)
Soundbound App Binaries
This is a mirror to Soundbound Playstore, (Active: in case we are fighting a copyright notice, and app is unavailable on playstore.)
Soundbound 0.34 Release
- Player UI updated with carousel and gestures.
- Fixed bugs & crashes for various devices, especially android 9 and lower.
Download Platform Specific Binaries from Attachments.
0.2 Initial Release
Soundbound Extension Lib Version 0.2 Initial Release.
- Compatible Starting 0.1 of Soundbound App
Sources Repo for Personal Experimentation and Educational Learning Experience. (disclaimer):