Releases: ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine
Releases Β· ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine
- Loading Screens can now be customized with an HScript (.hx) file
- Shaders now create an error log instead of crashing the game
- Fixed possible crashes in Loading Screen on weaker PCs (by KarimAkra)
- Updated video library (hxvlc) to 2.0.1
- Downgraded Lime and OpenFL to possibly fix a crash on Editors Save/Loading
- Chart editor now displays properly a row's size when Section Beats are set to a decimal number.
- Minor bug fixes
- Added "Home" and "End" keys to Chart Editor
- Fixed a crash issue on Editors Master Menu
- Minor fixes on Chart Editor
- Added loadMultipleFrames to Lua
- Added custom themes for Chart Editor (by ADMMaster63)
- Added "Skip Time" to Practice Mode (by crowplexus)
- Improved error handling in HScript (by LarryFrosty)
- Updated MacOS version from 12 to 15 (by Hackx2)
- Fixed issues in the following Lua functions: addAnimation, getObjectOrder, setObjectOrder
- Fixed a random crash issue from the Loading Screen (by tposejank)
- Fixed Practice Mode changes being reverted (by crowplexus)
- Fixed HScript reporting missing
function (by crowplexus) - Fixed Philly Glow event's particles only showing up once
- Fixed Week 4's car passing through at different speeds in framerates other than 60FPS
- Fixed Game's Window starting too big with higher DPI scale
- Mac and Linux are now supported officially
- HScript now doesn't require
to access variables and functions from PlayState. - Updated HScript-Iris to 1.1.3
- Fixed
not working as intended - Fixed a crash when a video ends without skipping
- Fixed being unable to save in Stage Editor
- Fixed Weekend 1 crashing on 32-bits
- Fixed minor issues
Changes from Pre-Release:
- Added a V-Slice theme for Chart Editor
- Fixed Chart Editor's Undo/Redo bugging notes out
- Fixed notes not being selectable after moving them to the left/right
- Stage Editor now moves files to the currently loaded Mod Folder automatically
- Fixed a crash on Stage Editor
- Pressing F5 while on Pause Menu now reloads all assets loaded
- Sustain length now matches Chart Editor's (This made all sustains a note shorter but more accurate to the chart)
Weekend 1
- Added a missing achievement for completing Weekend 1 with no misses
- Fixed missing sound effects in Weekend 1
- Fixed issues from Lua functions.
- Added new camera functions to Lua
- Removed cameraX and cameraY variables because they kinda sucked
- Fonts can now be changed through Translation files
- Changed HScript library from SScript to HScript-Iris (might cause issues)
- Updated hxvlc to 1.9.2
- Note Splashes now are displayed on the Visual Settings
- Added a Title Bump for Pessy
- Updated credits
- Minor bugfixes
1.0 (Prerelease)
- Chart Editor Rework- Stage Editor
- Main Menu Rework
- Note Splash Editor (by Tahir)
- Character Editor bugfixes
Gameplay Changes
- Input System v3- Note hit health gain decreased from 1.15% to 1%
- Note miss damage increased from 2.375% to 5%
- Health Bar/Time bar/Score text now goes under notes
- Flixel UI has been replaced by Psych UI (Kind of too many changes to list)- Changed hxCodec video library to hxvlc
- Updated SScript to 19.0.168
- Added a new Loading Screen that preloads multiple files simultaneously, improving loading time- Vocals Sync overhaul (Should fix stutters forever)
- Characters can now load multiple sprite sheets
- Added Aseprite image support to Lua Sprites
- Mods can now have setings
- Weekend 1 Port- Achievements can now be softcoded
- Most texts are now translatable to other languages through a .LANG file
- Cutscenes are now skippable
- Dialogues are now skippable
- Other minor bugfixes
- Little Easter Egg :)
Lua Script API will be updated soon.
- Split vocals option (Voices-Player.ogg and Voices-Opponent.ogg)
- Aseprite .JSON character/sprite support
- Minor bug fixes
- Reverted goodNoteHit and opponentNoteHit lua/hscript code to pre-0.7.2
I fucked up, shouldn't have swapped out the order of goodNoteHit/opponentNoteHit, this caused a bunch of mods to misbehave on note hits in the latest update.
- Added removeHScript and instanceArg to Lua
- Fixed some crashes and minor bugfixes
Merry Christmas!
- Replaced Smokey's Animate Atlas system with FlxAnimate
- Achievements Menu Reworked
- Mods Menu Reworked
- Character Editor revamp
- Softcoded Achievements
- Mod Settings
- Week 7 memory usage has been drastically reduced
- Characters can now load Animate 2020+ Atlas files and will use much less memory
- Achievements.hx is much easier usable now
- Input System V3 (ft. CrowPlexus and Tahir)
- Reworked Freeplay Menu Music Player (ft. Tahir Karabekiroglu)
- Added Guitar Hero-styled Sustains Option (Sustains as One Note setting)
- Merged Preload folder with Shared for easier understanding
- Updated SScript to 7.7.0
- Added CrowPlexus, Tahir and CheemsAndFriends to the credits
- Accepted a couple of Pull Requests
- Minor bug fixes
New Lua callbacks: goodNoteHitPost
, opponentNoteHitPost
New Lua functions:
// Mod Achievements
addAchievementScore(name:String, ?value:Dynamic = 1, ?saveIfNotUnlocked:Bool = true) //Turn saveIfNotUnlocked off if you constantly change the score
setAchievementScore(name:String, ?value = 1, ?saveIfNotUnlocked = true) //Turn saveIfNotUnlocked off if you constantly change the score
// Mod Settings
getModSetting(name:String, ?modFolder:String = null) //If your setting is a keybind, if you return a table with "gamepad" and "keyboard" values
// FlxAnimate sprites
makeFlxAnimateSprite(tag:String, ?x:Float = 0, ?y:Float = 0, ?loadFolder:String = null)
loadAnimateAtlas(tag:String, folderOrImg:String, ?spriteJson:String = null, ?animationJson:String = null)
addAnimationBySymbol(tag:String, name:String, symbol:String, ?framerate:Float = 24, ?loop:Bool = false, ?matX:Float = 0, ?matY:Float = 0)
addAnimationBySymbolIndices(tag:String, name:String, symbol:String, ?indices:Any = null, ?framerate:Float = 24, ?loop:Bool = false, ?matX:Float = 0, ?matY:Float = 0)
// Text
setTextHeight(tag:String, height:Int)
setTextAutoSize(tag:String, value:Bool)
New HScript functions: All Keyboard/Gamepad functions from Lua have been added to HScript aswell for conveniency, getModSetting
has been added aswell and it works exactly like in Lua
Click here to see how to create Mod Settings and Achievements for your Lua Mod.
- Added
functions to HScript - Fixed runHaxeCode/runHaxeFunction having issues
- Fixed sustains scale when you change playbackRate midsong through Lua/Haxe
- Fixed HScript not showing errors properly
- debugPrint can now be colored on Lua
- debugPrint now automatically break lines
- Updated SScript to 4.0.1 (Custom classes still don't work though!)
- BPM can now be tweened through Lua/Haxe