This is a course of Data Analysis using Python taught by Dr Muhammad Tahir. Chapters outline are given below:
Chapter-1: Data Manipulation with pandas
Chapter-2: Merging DataFrames with pandas
Chapter-3: Introduction to Importing Data in Python
Chapter-4: Intermediate Importing Data in Python
Chapter-5: Cleaning Data in Python
Chapter-6: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
All notebooks are prepared to run on google Colab. But you can run these books on pc also.
Mount google drive makes a connectivity of your G-drive (Google Drive) with Colab notebook so that you can access the file uploaded to google drive.
%cd is used to change the directory and used to give the path of where the file is located on google Drive. You can set your path according to your own.
Comments are placed above or inline to understand what line is doing.
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