j.devspace is an resource for junior developers that neatly brings together interview prep, video coding tutorials, and the jobs search in an easy-to-use app. A back-end with express routes stores flashcards for JavaScript, Python, and React fundamentals in a database.
Luke Brazil: https://github.com/LukeBrazil/Study-App Primary Team Role: Lead Back-end development, PostgreSQL, API testing.
Shaiah Emigh-Doyle: https://github.com/ShaiahWren/Study-App Primary Team Role: Back-end Development, PostgreSQL, Front-end Development, Responsive design.
Aliyah Gamble: https://github.com/AGamble7 Primary Team Role: Scrum Master, Front-end Development, styling, text content.
Tait Loughridge: https://github.com/TaitLoughridge/Study-App Primary Team Role: Front-end Development, logo and icon, Concept & Design Lead.
Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS/Materialize, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL.
Stretch Goals for the Future: A stretch goal that we are in the process of exploring is a coding console to practice algorithms and coding challenges.