As a user, when I visit the website I see a way to navigate to multiple pages.(ie multiple connected HTML pages)
As a user, when I visit the website I see a "form" or dropdown menu to select currency to convert currencies from USD as base to other foreign currencies.
As a user, I can see the current conversion amount displayed once I click submit or get results radio button.
As a user, I can swap the currency I'm converting vice versa or also choose from other various currencies.
deployed to github pages which is not working with API keys but putting it here for visual reference. Please follow the step below.
clone this project to your computer.
once you've finished cloning the project, from the Command line navigate into the folder where you've cloned my project and once inside open up vsCode by typing code .
once you're inside vscode create a config.js file with
const config = { SECRET_API_KEY: '', };
this inside. The value inside the empty string will be your API key which you can get for free by signing up at this link. -
once you're inside vscode, go to the index.html and once you've opened that file in vscode go live.
Now you're inside the currency converter page
choose from the dropdown options the currency you're converting
enter an amount in the text field with "Enter amount here"
choose the 2nd currency you're looking to convert currency 1 to.
Once you've chosen the 2 currencies from the dropdown list and enter the amount in the input field, you should see the exchange rate amount displayed on the second input field.
On top of the second input field you you will see the current exchange rate for your "From" currency = "to" currency.
you also have the ability to swap currencies and get the inverse rate.
underneath the to input field you should be able to navigate to the about me page to learn more about me and ways to get in contact and you can also leave a name email and a message that you want to send me.