Hello, I'm Shaxzodbek Web Developer from Uzbekistan
π» I love writing code and learn anythings about it
βοΈ My blog, where I share personal experiences connecting
π¬ Ask me anything about from Here
π« How to reach me: Shakxzodbee
π¬ Ask me about Full Stack
π± Iβm currently learning React.js , Node.js
β‘ Fun fact i am funny
const Shahzodbek = {
name: ["Shahzodbek"],
AskMeAbout: ["frontend dev", "Backend dev", "React.js dev"],
langues: ["english - Pre Intermediate"] ,
degre: ["Middle "],
FrontEnd: ["Html5", "CSS3", "JavaScript" ,"TypeScript", "React.js", "Next.js"],
BackEnd: ["Node.js" , "MongoDb" , "Express.js" , "Handlebars"],
style Library: ["Bootstrap 4", "Tailwindcss", "Material UI"],
misc: ["Firebase"],
age: ["17"]