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Type-safe and efficient choreographies for Haskell, with multiply-located values, multi-cast, and location-set polymorphism.


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MultiChor is a library for writing choreographic programs in Haskell.

That means you write one program, a "choreography" which seamlessly describes the actions of many communicating machines; these participants can be native Haskell threads, or various humans' laptops communicating over HTTPS, or anything in between. Each of these "endpoints" will "project" their behavior out of the choreography.

Choreographies aren't just easier to write than distributed programs, they're automatically deadlock-free!

MultiChor uses some of the same conventions and internal machinery as HasChor, but the API is incompatible and can express more kinds of choreographic behavior.

  • The heart of the MultiChor library is a choreography monad Choreo ps m a.
    • ps is a type-level list of parties participating in the choreography,
    • m is an monad used to write local actions those parties can take,
    • a is the returned value, typically this will be a Located or Faceted value as described below.
  • MultiChor is an embedded DSL, as interoperable with the rest of the Haskell ecosystem as any other monad. In particular, MultiChor gets recursion, polymorphism, and location-polymorphism "for free" as features of Haskell!
  • MultiChor uses multicast and multiply-located values, as introduced in We Know I Know You Know.
    • A value of type Located ls a is a single a known to all the parties listed in ls. In a well-typed choreography, other parties, who may not know the a, will never attempt to use it.
    • In the expression (s, v) ~> rs, a sender s sends the value v to all of the recipients in rs, resulting in a Located rs v.
    • For easy branching in choreographies, the primitives enclave and naked combine to form cond. (parties, guard) `cond` (\g -> c) unwraps a Located parties g for use as a naked g in the conditional choreography c.
  • Safe handing of parties, party-sets, and located values is enforced using Ghosts of Departed Proofs. In particular, instead of specifying the party "alice" in a choreography as a String or a Proxy "alice", they're specified by a Proof that the type-level "alice" is present in the choreography and has access to the relevant values. MultiChor provides utilities to write these proofs compactly.
  • In addition to location polymorphism, MultiChor allows you to write choreographies that are polymorphic with respect to the number of parties in a polymorphic party-set. This is trivial if they're passively receiving values; new primitives allow them to actively communicate:
    • fanOut lets a single party send different values (of the same type a) to a list of parties rs, resulting in a Faceted rs a.
    • fanIn lets a list of parties ss each send a value to the same parties rs, resulting in a Located rs [a].
    • A x :: Faceted ps a represents distinct as known to each of ps respectively.
  • MultiChor allows parallel behavior of many parties to be concisely expressed.
    • parallel lets many parties perform local monadic actions in parallel using their Located and Faceted values; the return is Faceted.
    • congruently lets many parties perform the same pure computation in parallel, using only their Located values; the return is Located.


Many example choreographies are presented in the examples directory.


Type-safe and efficient choreographies for Haskell, with multiply-located values, multi-cast, and location-set polymorphism.



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