Microsoft SharePoint Framework Training Module - Work with SharePoint Content using the SharePoint Framework
This module will introduce you to working with SharePoint content in SharePoint Framework projects. You'll learn about the SharePoint REST API, do CRUD operations with SharePoint data, the local workbench and creating mock data in SharePoint Framework.
This module is also published as a Microsoft Learn module: Work with SharePoint Content using the SharePoint Framework
The lab for this module is available in multiple units within the associated Microsoft Learn module. Use the following links to jump to the specific unit. Each Microsoft Learn unit represents a different lab exercise & demo in the presentation.
Exercise - Retrieve and display list data with the SharePoint REST API
In this exercise, you'll create a SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part that will get and display data from a SharePoint list using the SharePoint REST API.
Exercise - Write operations using the SharePoint Framework APIs and SharePoint REST API
In this exercise, you'll extend the SharePoint Framework project from the previous exercise to add write capabilities using the SharePoint REST API.
Exercise - Upload files to SharePoint libraries with the SharePoint REST API
In this exercise, you'll create a new web part that someone can use to select a file to upload to the current site's Documents library.
- Retrieve and display list data with the SharePoint REST API
- Write operations using the SharePoint Framework APIs and SharePoint REST API
- Upload files to SharePoint libraries with the SharePoint REST API
This module has been recorded and is available in the SharePoint Development YouTube channel: SharePoint Framework Training - Developing with the SharePoint Framework: Working with SharePoint Content
Roles | Author(s) |
Lab Manuals / Slides | Andrew Connell (Microsoft MVP, Voitanos) @andrewconnell |
QA | Rob Windsor (Microsoft MVP) @rob-windsor |
Sponsor / Support | Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) @VesaJuvonen |
Version | Date | Comments |
1.21 | December 13, 2024 | FY2025Q2 content refresh; update to SPFx v1.20.0 |
1.20 | June 24, 2024 | FY2024Q4 content refresh; update to SPFx v1.19.0 |
1.19 | May 5, 2023 | FY2023Q4 content refresh; update to SPFx v1.17.1 |
1.18 | February 28, 2023 | FY2023Q3 content refresh; update to SPFx v1.16.1 |
1.17 | December 5, 2022 | FY2023Q1 content refresh |
1.16 | September 5, 2022 | FY2023Q1 content refresh, update to SPFx v1.15.2 |
1.15 | May 2, 2022 | FY2022Q3 content refresh, update to SPFx v1.14 |
1.14 | March 7, 2022 | FY2022Q3 content refresh |
1.13 | December 8, 2021 | FY2022Q2 content refresh, replace last section & demo |
1.12 | September 13, 2021 | FY2022Q1 content refresh |
1.11 | June 17, 2021 | FY2021Q4 content refresh |
1.10 | March 6, 2021 | FY2021Q3 content refresh |
1.9 | November 30, 2020 | FY2021Q2 content refresh |
1.8 | August 31, 2020 | FY2021Q1 content refresh |
1.7 | March 10, 2020 | FY2020Q3 content refresh & port module to MS Learn |
1.6 | December 6, 2019 | FY2020Q2 content refresh |
1.5 | September 2, 2019 | FY2020Q1 content refresh |
1.4 | June 10, 2019 | FY2019Q4 content refresh |
1.3 | March 11, 2019 | FY2019Q3 content refresh |
1.2 | January 17, 2019 | Slide updates, added screencast link to readme |
1.1 | December 14, 2018 | Rewritten to use latest guidance |
1.0 | ~February 2017 | Initial release |
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