Since mojo needs a version of ncurses that is not available on normal way on Arch, you need to do some extra steps to get mojo working.
You can install mojo either with an AUR helper like yay
or paru
by installing the mojo
package or doing it manually with the following command.
python <(curl -sSL
Change working directory:
python <(curl -sSL --dir=/tmp/arch-mojo
First install modular with the official instructions Modular
python <(curl -sSL --fedora
Change working directory:
python <(curl -sSL --dir=/tmp/arch-mojo --fedora
You might get an error about a missing shared library
when mojo is self testing.
That's because modular and python ignores the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable.
If you use mojo
itself it should be set (after you restarted your terminal).
If not add it to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.local/lib/arch-mojo