This repository contains PyTorch code to run adaptive resampling strategies for the self-supervision loss term in physics informed neural networks. The self-supervision data (collocation) points are resampled using the gradient of the loss and scheduled using a cosine scheduler that balances adaptivity with uniform sampling at user-defined intervals during training. For more details, see the article
The config options for any PDE system can be set in config/pinns.yaml. See the default config for all possible options; specific configs for the poisson and (steady state) advection-diffusion configs are set (see below). We use weights and biases (wandb) to log all error metrics and visualizations (set the wandb option to true in the config). example training launch script:
python --config poisson-tc2
The four test-case configs are included in the config/pinns.yaml file. The config names are poisson-tc1, poisson-tc2, poisadv-tc3, poisadv-tc4. Change the config to the required name to run any specific test-case. All parameters are highlighted in the default config. Important parameters include:
* system PDE system (poisson, poisadv (advection-diffusion))
* nx number of x points
* ny number of y points
* force_std std of gaussian source
* force_mean mean of gaussian source
* lr learning rate
* reg PDE regularization parameter
* n_col number of collocation points
* n_val number of validation points
* use_grad_resample boolean to use loss gradients for resampling
* resample boolean to switch on adaptive sampling (R or G)
* sample_freq frequency of sampling
* resample_schedule_T period of cosine-annealing schedule
* res_momentum momentum for proxy function
* diff_tensor_type anisotropy or isotropy in diffusion ('aniso' or 'iso')
* optimizer optimizer for the NN (lbfgs or adam)
* kill_opt boolean (false will enable resampling for optimizer stalls)
* save_checkpoint boolean to save the best model weights
* test_every_epoch runs an inference after every epoch (only for logging purposes)
* max_epochs maximum number of epochs to train
* seed seed for the random number generator
Other parameters are defaulted. See the default config for the full list. Inference is performed at the end of training. See --help for other run options. To run hyperparameter sweeps, we use wandb's grid sweep configuration. See sweeps/ for an example hyperparameter sweep config.
If you find this work useful, please cite using the following
title={Adaptive Self-supervision Algorithms for Physics-informed Neural Networks},
author={Subramanian, Shashank and Kirby, Robert M and Mahoney, Michael W and Gholami, Amir},
journal={arXiv e-prints},