In the given project, a tendon driven continuum robot is visualized in RViz with the help of floating joints. The Piecewise constant curvature method is used to model the compliant nature of continuum robot.
The ROS workflow used for the project is shown in the below figure -
PublishEE - Publisher Node and publish End Effector Coordinates
Cr_Model - Subscriber Node and calls Continuum Class once it receives End Effector Coordinates
Continuum - Most Crucial file in the package. Following tasks are performed -
- URDF File created given number of links and robot length.
- Coordinate and Rotation of intermediate links calculated and broadcasted using TransformBroadcaster
For the given analysis, a Piecewise Constant curvature method proposed by I.D. Walker is used. PCC method approximates the continuum robot as a series of substitutions applied to a modified homogenous transformation matrix computed using a D-H-type approach. This formulation also relies on the assumption that the trunk bends with constant curvature, due to the compliance of the trunk. The rotation matrix calculated using the above process is given by -
to the run the following package in 4 seperate terminals run -
rosrun continuum_rb cr_model
roslaunch continuum_rb rviz.launch
rosrun continuum_rb publishEE
If you have any questions, please let me know:
- Shaswat Garg {}