南方科技大学 2024 Spring CS307 数据库原理 Project2
得分 97/105
Project 说明及要求:https://github.com/ShellyLeee/CS307-24S-Project2/blob/main/project2_intro.pdf
基本要求:在project1的基础上,建立一个后端API Library来执行各种数据增删改查操作,并建立前端界面实现用户与后端数据库的交互操作。
具体实现:我们开发了一个前后端分离的深圳地铁管理系统,允许用户在前端网页上执行操作,发送HTTP请求到后端地铁信息数据库进行数据的增删改查操作,并将结果返回到前端。 我们采用了Springboot Gradle后端框架,并添加了 MyBatis、Thymeleaf、JDBC 和 JPA 的依赖。
本项目使用了 JAVA、HTML 和 SQL 语言,使用的数据库是PostgreSQL。
即可。注意要根据自己主机的配置来调整设置。. └── CS307-24Spring-Project2 ├── build.gradle ├── settings.gradle └── src ├── main │ ├── java │ │ └── cs307 │ │ └── cs30724springproject2 │ │ ├── Cs30724SpringProject2Application.java │ │ ├── controller │ │ ├── entity │ │ ├── mapper │ │ └── service │ └── resources │ ├── application.properties │ ├── mapper (XML files) │ └── templates (HTML files) └── test └── java └── cs307 └── cs30724springproject2 └── Cs30724SpringProject2ApplicationTests.java
API Specification
- Task1 Add, modify, delete a station
- Task2 Add, modify, delete a new line
- Task3 Place and remove stations at a specified location on a line
- Task4 Search the name of the station that is the n-th station ahead/behind a specific station on a line
- Task5 Boarding functionality for a passenger or card
- Task6 Exit functionality for a passenger or card
- Task7 View all information about passengers or cards who have boarded but have not yet exited at the current time
Functional Requirements:
- Web Interface Building
- Preparing testing data: import data in
and all data from project 1.
Task2 Further enhance the usability of the APIs
- (2) Business carriage in the subway
- (3) Add and appropriately utilize the condition of stations
- (4) Establish a system to integrate buses and subways
- (5) Implement a multi-parameter search for ride records
Task3 Implement a real back-end server, with the technology of package management, using HTTP/RESTful Web, connection pools and implementing backend frameworks with ORM mapping
Task4 Elegant and useful page display design
Task5 Appropriately utilize index and view
Task7 Support high-concurrency with proper pressure tests
- 由于时间关系没能做完高级部分的所有任务,所以原Project高级部分的所有未完成任务都可以继续完成(如Task1、2、5、6)
- 部分高级任务的实现有待改进(如Task5)
- 可以考虑增加功能与提升操作效率:还需要学习Springboot提供的各种功能(如数据库连接池、用户登录功能)