A package of useful functions to deal with Wiktionary articles
Supported Wiktionaries: English (en.wiktionary.org) and German (de.wiktionary.org). For now, the package only supports parsing the first meaning in the article. This will likely change in the future. Check the development section for current plans.
Also, the code probably needs a refactor here and there... It'll happen at some point :)
There isn't much, so I'll be brief.
Install with:
go get github.com/Shieldine/go-wiktionary-parser
You will mainly deal with the following struct:
type ArticleContent struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
HTML string `json:"html"`
Language string `json:"language"`
WordInfo WordInfo `json:"word_info,omitempty"`
WordInfo being most important and dependent on your language choice. For English, you'll find the following:
type EnglishWordInfo struct {
Word string `json:"word"` // The main word being described
Plural string `json:"plural"` // The plural form of the word
Etymology string `json:"etymology"` // Origin of the word and historical development
Definitions []string `json:"definitions"` // List of definitions or meanings of the word.
German looks as follows:
type GermanWordInfo struct {
Word string `json:"word"` // The word being defined (e.g., "Baum").
GrammaticalCategory string `json:"grammatical_category"` // The grammatical category (e.g., noun).
Gender string `json:"gender"` // The grammatical gender of the word (e.g., masculine).
Singular string `json:"singular"` // The singular form of the word.
Plural string `json:"plural"` // The plural form of the word.
Definitions []string `json:"definitions"` // List of definitions or meanings of the word.
Etymology string `json:"etymology"` // Historical origin and linguistic evolution of the word.
Examples []string `json:"examples"` // Usage examples
Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` // Phrases used in everyday speech
The example can be found in example.go
package main
import (
parser "github.com/Shieldine/go-wiktionary-parser"
func main() {
// as a quickstart: you'll probably just need this
parsed, err := parser.FetchAndParseArticleForWord("Baum", "de")
if err != nil {
} else {
// this is the whole object of type ArticleContent
// fmt.Println(parsed)
// and this is the parsed info - you need to cast it as it is defined as an interface
// and now some fine-grained examples
// search for words (define language)
res, err := parser.SearchWordsForLanguage("Bau", "de")
if err != nil {
} else {
// if you want english anyway, you can use a function that defaults to english
res, err = parser.SearchWords("tes")
if err != nil {
} else {
// retrieve raw articles for a given language - WordInfo will be empty
articleRes, err := parser.RetrieveArticleForLanguage("Baum", "de")
if err != nil {
} else {
// fmt.Println(articleRes)
// you can default to English here as well
englishArticle, err := parser.RetrieveArticle("tree")
if err != nil {
} else {
// fmt.Println(englishArticle)
// and here's the parsed info
parsedInfo, err := parser.ParseArticle(englishArticle, "en")
if err != nil {
} else {
// you can add it to your ArticleContent
englishArticle.WordInfo = parsedInfo
The supported languages are:
- English (en.wiktionary.org)
- German (de.wiktionary.org)
This project is in occasional development (I sadly don't have as much time as I'd like to).
Current plans:
- Parse all polysemes of a word instead of the first one
- Parse further sections (currently, only a few get parsed)
- Add support for other Wiktionaries (pl, it, fr)
If you want to contribute, feel free to create issues and merge requests.
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0. You can find the license here.