Pixel Launcher Extended is a Magisk module by TeamFiles with many cool features compared to original Pixel Launcher by Google.
- Extra themed icons. Total of 1250+ icons.
- More grids options, total of 14 grids. You can select these extra grids by going to Wallpaper & style > App grid. These are available for Phones only. Not available for Tablets.
- Double tap to sleep (LSPosed required).
- You can choose different icons shapes using Icon Shape Changer app(It can be installed as a choice).
- Material You At A Glance greetings with Extended Settings app. Using this app you will be able to do some subtle modifications.
- Pixel Launcher Mods by KieronQuinn. It has many cool features such as icon pack changer, recent section blur, etc.
- Add-ons, which can enhance and add more functionality.
- Enable hidden flags & developer options.
These flags can enable some subtle features & bring improvements in launcher. Some of the flags usage with detailed explanation.
- And more!!
This module is expected to work on ROMs which are based on fairly unmodified Android source code.
- Android 13 AOSP-based ROMs
- Android 13 QPR AOSP-based ROMs
- Android 13 QPR2 AOSP-based ROMs
Ensure your ROM is equipped with the necessary GApps, including Google apps and services. Without them, certain features may not function optimally on vanilla ROM. Make sure to flash proper GApps Package for your rom if you are using vanilla rom.
If you wanna implement Pixel Launcher Extended in your custom rom then visit here.
- Compatible ROMs (AOSP-based custom ROMs or Google Pixel stock ROM) based on Android 13.
- Device rooted by Magisk latest stable.
It is strongly advised to only use the official version of Magisk, as there have been reports from users of various issues such as bootloops and other problems when using unofficial forks of the software. Therefore, it is highly recommended that users only download and install Magisk from the official source to ensure the stability of Pixel Launcher Extended.
- LSPosed (optional, if you want to use double tap to sleep feature)
- We WON'T be responsible if anything happens with your device. Bootloops are not expected, but you should always be prepared for the worst!
- Uninstall any other launcher if you're using one. Only keep the default launcher
- Download the module installation file from Download Links available
- Flash the file in Magisk and select your desired modifications using volume keys
- Reboot your device and go to Settings > Apps > Default apps > Home app and make sure Pixel Launcher Extended is selected
Offline Installer
It doesn't require internet while flashing, but it's 100+ MB in size. It's available for download from Download Links below. You can build it yourself too by following instructions from Building from source section.
Online Installer
It requires internet while flashing and downloads only selected files by user during installation. It's less than 5 MB in size. Depending upon your internet this variant may take more time in flashing compared to offline installer. It's available for download from Download Links below. You can build it yourself too by following instructions from Building from source section.
Customize Installer
It's like offline installer but less in size. Installer zip size depends upon the modifications a user chooses while making the zip. It's not available for download from download links below. However, You can build it yourself by following instructions from Building from source section. This variant is good for those whose phone's volume keys are broken or if they don't want to follow long instructions involving volume key presses(multiple times) while flashing in Magisk.
- Make sure you installed DT2S while flashing the module(or selected it while making in case of customize installer)
- After rebooting device, open LSPosed and enable Pixel Launcher DT2S
- Force-stop Pixel Launcher Extended from Settings (or reboot device again)
- Double-tap once on home screen. Grant superuser permissions and enjoy
- Make sure you enabled developer options while flashing the launcher(or selected it while making in case of customize installer)
- Now go to phone's setting>About phone>Build number & tap it 7-8 times. This will enable launcher's developer options along with rom's developer option.
- Simply uninstall module from Magisk
- When there is new update available, simply flash newer version in Magisk without removing previous version
- If you have flashed latest version already and want to select different choices while flashing, you can always flash module again without removing/uninstalling existing module
These are optional add-ons, they add extra functionality to Pixel Launcher Extended.
This addon will enhance At A Glance and will enable new settings such as Doorbell, Timer, Stopwatch, Bedtime, Fitness tracker, Torch suggestion, Connected devices and much more.
Made by Pixelify developer, Kingsmanz. It also fixes the select feature, At A Glance weather if your ROM doesn't have proper GApps or due to some other reasons if you faced these issues.
- Download
- Flash in Magisk
- Reboot device
- Check out the new At A Glance settings. In most ROMs this will be the final step
- If you didn't get the new settings, then force-stop the Google app and reboot your device
- If you still didn't get those settings, uninstall updates of Google app and update from Play Store and reboot your device
- Made by Kingsmanz
- GitHub
- Video showcase
- Screenshots
If you don't get unified & universal search bar in Pixel Launcher Extended shown in these screenshots (this and this) then flash this module in Magisk. It will permanently enable universal search bar.
NOTICE: You will get this feature by default after flashing Pixel Launcher Extended.
Only in some ROMs, you won't get it. Flash only, AND ONLY if you don't get this feature.
- Download
- Flash in Magisk
- Reboot device
You can enable the hide app feature in Pixel Launcher Extended by using a third-party app called Pixel Mods. (LSPosed is required for this add-on).
- Install the Pixel Mods App
- Open LSPosed and click Pixel Mods from modules section. Toggle Enable Module and make sure Pixel Launcher has ticked
- Reboot device
- Check out the Hide Apps Feature by pressing hold on empty space on home screen
If you want to enable or disable wallpaer zoom effect then use this add-on.
- Download
- Flash in Magisk
- Reboot device
If you don't want to download built module from mirrors above, then you can build magisk module yourself.
- PowerShell 5+ required.
- Clone the repository with GitHub Desktop or using Git app.
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended
- Go to the directory where you cloned & hold
key & right click. - Now click
Open PowerShell window here
- Copy & paste this command
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ./autobuild.ps1
- Select desired installer to make magisk module from PLE Builder
- Don't use git in command-line or powershell to clone repo. Some users reported that it's corrupting contents.
PLE Builder for Windows doesn't support making of Customize Installer yet. Use Linux or Termux to make Customize Installer.
- The required zip package install command is in the script itself. However, if you encounter any errors, you can install zip manually. On Ubuntu or Debian, Use the following command to do so."
sudo apt install zip
- Now clone the repo using git.
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended
- Navigate to the Pixel-Launcher-Extended folder.
cd Pixel-Launcher-Extended
- Run autobuild.sh.
bash autobuild.sh
- Choose
Offline Installer
,Online Installer
orCustomize Installer
using number keys from PLE Builder. - If you wanna make the module again & this time Different Installer Magisk Module zip then run autobuild.sh again.
bash autobuild.sh
- Use below command to update repo if you have already cloned it before.
git pull
- Open Termux, copy & paste this command:
and give Termux storage access. If you get this warning "It appears that directory '~/storage' already exists. This script is going to rebuild its structure from scratch, wiping all dangling files. The actual storage content is not going to be deleted" then just do press "y". It won't do any harm to your device.
- Now copy & paste this command:
pkg upgrade || true
pkg install -y git
rm -rf Pixel-Launcher-Extended
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended
cd Pixel-Launcher-Extended
bash autobuild.sh
mv Pixel\ Launcher\ Extended* /sdcard
echo "Your magisk module is available in Internal Storage"
- Please make sure to grant storage permissions, if Termux asks you to do so, you will get Magisk module in your internal storage.
- Choose
Offline Installer
,Online Installer
orCustomize Installer
using number keys from PLE Builder. - Use Termux From F-Droid to perform these tasks.
- The required zip package install command is in the script itself. However, if you encounter any errors, you can install zip manually. Use the following command to do so."
pkg install zip
- If you wanna make the module again & this time Different Installer Magisk Module zip then close Termux. Open new session and copy & paste the following command:
cd Pixel-Launcher-Extended
git pull
bash autobuild.sh
mv Pixel\ Launcher\ Extended* /sdcard
echo "Your magisk module is available in Internal Storage"
If you face any issues while using Pixel Launcher Extended then look into this section first before asking in support group on Telegram.
Try updating Google App, Google Play Services, Android System Intelligence (ASI), Android System Webview, Google Calendar, Google Lens and all other Google apps from Play Store. We suggest you to use ROMs that have stock Pixel GApps by default. After trying above solution if it still doesn't work or if you are facing random crashes in launcher then download At A Glance Enhancer add-on. It contains Android System Intelligence (which may fix all these issues).
Your ROM may have its own implementation of Material You and that may be interfering with Pixel Launcher Extended. Although we have implemented fix for this within launcher, It is possible that you may still face this issue.
To fix this issue, please follow these steps:
- Download Termux
- Open it and type the command given below and press enter
su -c settings delete secure theme_customization_overlay_packages
- Grant superuser permissions
- Don't reboot as after reboot you will have to apply these changes again(blame your rom)
Watch this video for instructions to fix this issue.
Force-stop the app and relaunch.
Turn off Overview suggestions from Pixel Launcher Extended's settings.
Make sure your rom has proper GApps. Also if your rom doesn't have Google App then download it from play store.
Pixel Launcher Extended not showing in default home settings or no launcher showing after flashing PLE
Uninstall updates of the Pixel Launcher app and reboot your device. Make sure PLE isn't in magisk's deny list.
If you have found this project helpful and would like to support its ongoing development, please consider making a donation. Your support is greatly appreciated and will help to ensure that this project can continue to be maintained and improved.
Thank you for your generosity!
- Paypal
- UPI(Google Pay):
- LiArch55
- saitamasahil
- iamlooper
- KieronQuinn
- uragiristereo
- Monet Icons Team
- siavash79
- Kingsman44
- anarchist22
- WaifuPX-DG
- LawnchairLauncher
- RadekBledowski
- PalmDevs
- agam778
- atharvap8
- jaaat4u
- selfmusing
- Sameera
- naokoshoto
Brought to you by TeamFiles!