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Python Basic to Advanced Course Syllabus

  • Getting Started

    • Setting Up your programming environment
    • Python on different operating systems
    • Troubleshooting installation issues
    • Running Python programs from a terminal
  • Variables and simple data types

    • Writing our first programme in python
      • Print Hello World
    • What really happens when you run
    • Data types in python
      • Integer
      • Float
      • String
      • Boolean
      • Complex
      • Sequenced data
        • List
        • Tuple
        • Set
      • Mapped Data
        • Dictionary
    • Variables
      • Variable naming rules
      • Avoiding name errors when using variables
      • Try it by yourself
      • Operators
        • +, -, *, /
        • **, //, %
        • ^
  • User input

    • How the input() function works
      • Writing Clear Prompts
      • Using int() to Accept Numerical Input
      • Using eval()
  • Strings

    • Defining String
    • Overcoming Errors
    • Combining or Concatenating strings
    • Adding whitespace to strings with tabs or newlines
    • “\n”, “\t”
    • length of string
    • String slicing
    • String methods
      • Changing Case
        • upper
        • lower
        • capitalize
        • title
      • Striping Whitespace or any value
        • rstrip(), lstrip(), strip()
      • Modify
        • replace
        • center
      • Check values
        • count
        • ends with
        • starts with
        • find
        • index
        • is alphanumeric
        • is alphabet
        • is digit
      • Checking cases
        • is lower
        • is upper
        • is title
  • Numbers

    • Integer Operations
    • Float Operations
    • Avoiding Type errors with str() function
  • Something more

    • fstring
    • Comments
    • Type casting
    • Print
      • sep
      • end
    • The Zen of python
    • Mini Project
      • Temperature
      • BMI
      • Quadric
      • Currency
  • If Statements

    • A simple example
    • Conditional Tests
      • Checking for Equality
      • Ignoring Case When Checking for Equality
      • Checking for Inequality
      • Numerical Comparisons
      • Checking Multiple Conditions
        • Using and to Check Multiple Conditions
        • Using or to Check Multiple Conditions
      • Checking Whether a Value Is in a List
      • Checking Whether a Value Is Not in a List
      • Boolean Expressions
    • If statements
      • Simple if Statements
      • if-else Statements
      • The if-elif-else Chain
      • Using Multiple elif Blocks
      • Omitting the else Block
      • Testing Multiple Conditions
    • Styling your if statements
    • Mini Project
      • Coin Flip (random module)
      • Grade
      • Calculator
      • Wisher (time module)
  • Match Cases

    • Simple example
    • Default case
    • Default case with if
    • Mini Project
      • Calculator
  • Introducing Lists

    • What is a list?
      • Accessing elements in a list
      • Index position
      • Using Individual values from a list
    • Changing adding, and removing elements
      • Modifying elements in a list
      • Adding elements to a list
        • appending Elements to the End of a List (append)
        • Inserting Elements into a List (insert)
      • Extending list
      • Removing elements from a list
        • removing an Item Using the del Statement
        • removing an Item Using the pop() Method
        • Popping Items from any Position in a List
        • removing an Item by Value
    • Check for values
      • index
      • count
    • Organizing a list
      • Sorting a List Permanently with the sort() Method
      • Sorting a List Temporarily with the sorted() Function
      • Printing a List in Reverse Order
      • Finding the Length of a List
      • Avoiding Index Errors When Working with Lists
  • Working with Lists

    • Working with part of a List
      • Slicing a List
      • Copying a List
      • String as a list
    • Using if statements with lists
      • Checking for Special Items
      • Checking That a List Is Not Empty
        • If (list)
      • Using Multiple Lists
    • Styling your code
  • Tuples

    • Defining a Tuple
    • Looping Through All Values in a Tuple
    • Writing over a Tuple
    • Operations on tuple
  • For loop

    • Simple for loop
    • For loop with string
    • For loop with list
      • Looping through the entire list
        • A Closer Look at Looping
        • Doing More Work Within a for Loop
      • Avoiding Indentation Errors
        • Forgetting to Indent
        • Forgetting to Indent Additional Lines
        • Indenting Unnecessarily
        • Indenting Unnecessarily After the Loop
        • Forgetting the Colon
      • Making Numerical Lists
        • Using the range() Function
        • Using range() to Make a List of Numbers
        • Simple Statistics with a List of Numbers
        • List Comprehensions
      • Enumerate
    • Mini project
      • Magic Balls
  • While loops

    • Introducing while loops
      • The while Loop in Action
      • Letting the User Choose When to Quit
      • Using a Flag
      • Using break to Exit a Loop
      • Using continue in a Loop
      • Avoiding Infinite Loops
    • Using a while
      • Moving Items from One List to Another
    • Mini Project
      • Rock, Paper, Scissor
  • Dictionaries

    • A simple dictionary
    • Working with Dictionaries
      • Accessing Values in a Dictionary
      • Adding New Key-Value Pairs
      • Starting with an Empty Dictionary
      • Modifying Values in a Dictionary
      • Removing Key-Value Pairs
      • A Dictionary of Similar Objects
    • Looping through a Dictionary
      • Looping Through All Key-Value Pairs
      • Looping Through All the Keys in a Dictionary
      • Looping Through a Dictionary’s Keys in Order
      • Looping Through All Values in a Dictionary
    • Nesting
      • A List of Dictionaries
      • A List in a Dictionary
      • A Dictionary in a Dictionary
    • Using a while
      • Filling a Dictionary with User Input
    • Mini project
      • KBC
  • Functions

    • Defining a function
      • Passing Information to a Function
      • Arguments and Parameters
    • Passing arguments
      • Positional Arguments
        • Multiple Function Calls
        • Order Matters in Positional arguments
      • Keyword Arguments
      • Default Values
      • Equivalent Function Calls
      • Avoiding Argument Errors
    • Return values
      • Returning a Simple Value
      • Returning a Simple Value
      • Returning a Dictionary
      • Using a Function with a while Loop
    • Passing a List
      • Modifying a List in a Function
      • Preventing a Function from Modifying a List
    • Passing an Arbitrary number with arguments
      • Mixing Positional and Arbitrary Arguments
      • Mixing Positional and Arbitrary Arguments
    • Storing Your functions in modules
      • Importing an Entire Module
      • Importing Specific Functions
      • Using as to Give a Function an Alias
      • Using as to Give a Module an Alias
      • Using as to Give a Module an Alias
    • Doc string
    • Styling functions
  • Classes

    • Creating and using a class
      • Creating the Dog Class
        • The __init__() Method
      • Making an Instance from a Class
        • Accessing attributes
        • Calling Methods
        • Creating Multiple Instances
    • Working with classes and instances
      • The Car Class
      • Setting a Default Value for an Attribute
      • Modifying Attribute Values
        • Modifying an attribute’s Value Directly
        • Modifying an attribute’s Value through a Method
        • Incrementing an attribute’s Value through a Method
    • Inheritance
      • The init() Method for a Child Class
      • Defining Attributes and Methods for the Child Class
      • Overriding Methods from the Parent Class
      • Instances as Attributes
      • Modelling Real-World Objects
    • Importing Classes
      • Importing a Single Class
      • Storing Multiple Classes in a Module
      • Importing Multiple Classes from a Module
      • Importing an Entire Module
      • Importing All Classes from a Module
      • Importing a Module into a Module
      • Finding Your Own Workflow
    • The Python Standard Library
    • Styling Classes
  • Files and Exceptions

    • Reading from a file
      • Reading an Entire File
      • File Paths
      • Reading Line by Line
      • Making a List of Lines from a File
      • Working with a File’s Contents
      • Large Files: One Million Digits
      • Is Your Birthday Contained in Pi?
    • Writing to a file
      • Writing to an Empty File
      • Writing Multiple Lines
      • Appending to a File
    • Exceptions
      • Handling the ZeroDivisionError Exception
      • Using try-except Blocks
      • Using Exceptions to Prevent Crashes
      • The else Block
      • Handling the FileNotFoundError Exception
      • Analyzing Text
      • Working with Multiple Files
      • Failing Silently
      • Deciding Which Errors to Report
    • Storing Data
      • Using json.dump() and json.load()
      • Saving and Reading User-Generated Data
      • Refactoring
  • Testing Your Code

    • Testing a Function
      • Unit Tests and Test Cases
      • A Passing Test
      • A Failing Test
      • Responding to a Failed Test
      • Adding New Tests
    • Testing a class
      • A Variety of Assert Methods
      • A Class to Test
      • Testing the AnonymousSurvey Class
      • The setUp() Method
  • Jarvis- The AI

  • Flappy Bird Game

  • Data Visualization