This is a distributed streaming application that reads covid19 data using Python, and pipes it to Kafka streams. Jobs are run using Yarn, Samza and Zookeeper on Hadoop 2.0
a) make sure JAVA_HOME is set in .bashrc.
b) Make sure you have write persmission in /home directory or wherever you are cloning the repo.
git clone
chmod +x /home/path/to/KWHY/deploy-script/grid
chmod +x /home/path/to/KWHY/deploy/bin/
chmod +x /home/path/to/KWHY/deploy/bin/
If you face permission related problem with any script, just make it executable by above mentioned commands.
mvn clean install
4.Start the grid script in bootstrap mode(It will automatically install and starts zookeeper, kafka, yarn)
Install and Start yarn, zookeeper, kafka
deploy-script/grid bootstrap
To start/stop zookeeper,yarn,kafka by a single command
deploy-script/grid start all
deploy-script/grid stop all
To start/stop zookeeper,yarn,kafka separately
deploy-script/grid start/stop kafka
deploy-script/grid start/stop yarn
deploy-script/grid start/stop zookeeper
Note - If you face some error while starting kafka just remove the kafka-logs directory from /tmp/ and start it again.
Update path in both files present in src/resources directory
/home/path/to/KWHY/deploy/bin/ --config-factory=org.apache.samza.config.factories.PropertiesConfigFactory --config-path=/home/path/to/KWHY/deploy/conf/
Open browser and go to local yarn resource manager: http://localhost:8088/cluster to check status
/home/path/to/KWHY/deploy/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic district-data
/home/path/to/KWHY/deploy/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic state-data
Pull data from covid19 API using python script and pipe it to kafka producer and bind to 'district-data' & 'state-data' topic Go to producer directory and run the below command.
If you encounter error due to impropoer yarn shut down, simply delete /tmp/kafka-logs directory
Before pushing the code
rm -rf deploy
mvn clean