The Thingiverse Popular 3D Printing Models Web Scrapper
ThingScraper was created as part of Israeli Tech Challenge <itc> Data Science fellows program. The purpose of this project is to scrape different information related to 3D printable models from the popular website Thingiverse.
- Clone the git repo to local machine:
git clone
- Project requirements:
- The code mainly relays on Selenium webdriver and python.
- In order to build database out of scrapped data, PyMySQL is also required.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- WebDriver: In order to preform scrapping using selenium, a webdriver for your browser of choice is required. Download one of the following that matches your browser's version:
For additional browsers please refer to selenium download page
Note that Browser object in our code only supports chrome, firefox, internet explorer and safari.
You will need to provide the webdriver's path inside the personal configuration file:
- Direct usage: import ThingScraper objects into python project
- Command line interface: run
from command line with acceptable tags
Direct usage is possible by importing several classes from
object: handles browser of choice for requesting and obtaining web information. -
Thing, User and Make
objects: receives and holds information about a single thing (model) ,user or a make. Uses a Browser object for some of its functionality.
from ThingScraper import Browser, Thing, User, Make
# Define a new browser instance
# Browser(browser_name, browser_webdriver_path)
browser = Browser('chrome', 'chromedriver')
# Define a new thing instance
# by giving 'thing_id' or 'url' arguments
thing = Thing(thing_id='4734271')
# Attach browser to thing instance
# Open up thing page in attached browser and break it down to elements
# Convert found elements into useful information
# Print out obtained information
# Close browser
Expected output:
thing_id = 4734271
model_name = stackable crate
username = brainchecker
uploaded = 2021-01-23T00:00:00
thing_files = 3
comments = 47
makes = 17
remixes = 12
tags = ['box', 'container', 'crate', 'stackable']
print_settings = {'printer_brand': None, 'printer_model': None, 'rafts': 'no', 'supports': 'yes', 'resolution': '0.2', 'infill': '5', 'filament_brand': 'esun, bq', 'filament_color': 'orange, grass green', 'filament_material': 'pla'}
license = Creative Commons - Attribution
remix = None
category = Containers
# Get a set of make ids for a thing instance
makes_set = thing.get_makes(max_makes=MAX_MAKES_TO_SCAN)
# Get a list of tuples of remixes ids and likes for a thing instance.
# where the keys are the ids and values are thing object with 'likes' properties
remix_dict = thing.get_remixes(max_remixes=MAX_REMIXES_TO_SCAN)
When running the program through a CLI, 1st positional argument is the type of object we want to scrap, should be: {Thing, User, Make, Remix, API, All}
We can give several arguments of this type, and they will be executed in the order given.
python Thing
python Thing API User
The 'All' option is a shorthand, the following are identical:
python All
python Thing Remix Make API User
To quickly scrape for all datatype and save, we can use:
python All -n items_per_page --google-app-name "PERSONAL-KEY" -J
To open the help menu use:
python -h
python --help
The following tags are can be added:
-n, --num-items (int)
Used to indicate how many items to mine.
When we provide many search arguments, we should also provide a 'num-items' for each search argument:
python Thing User API Make -n 5 1 4 2
Note that in the example above the 'User' argument doesn't take a 'num-items' argument by default, but due to the order of the type commands that we provided we have to give it any argument to reach the other parameters.
In this example the 'User' argument is ignored.
We can also provide a non-matching number of arguments, for example the following arguments are identical:
python Thing User API -n 5 4 4
python Thing User API -n 5 4
python Thing User API -n 5 4 4 5 6 7 8
When not enough arguments are provided the last argument is used as a substitute.
When too many arguments are provided, the extras are ignored.
If we are using a shorthand command (like 'All') we have to give it a 'num-items' corresponding to each action it represents, for example the following are identical:
python All -n 1 2
python All -n 1 2 2 2
python Thing Remix Make API User -n 1 2
python Thing Remix Make API User -n 1 2 2 2
Because 'All' is a shorthand for 5 commands, it requires 5 parameters,
but since the last parameter usually doesn't require an argument we
can ignore it, and if the last parameter are identical we can
omit them as well.
-N, --Name (str)
The name of the file. Used when exporting to json.
-B, --Browser (str)
The name of the browser. Used to configure selenium simulation.
-D, --Driver (str)
Driver path - browser. Used to configure selenium simulation.
-J, --save-json (bool)
Save a copy of the data in a json file at the end of the run.
-j, --load-json (bool)
Open save from json file at the start of the run
-v, --volume (int)
Set how much text to output to the command line:
10 = quite
20 = normal
30 = debug
40 = verbose
If the provided level is not in the list, it will be set to the nearest value above.
Normal by default.
--google-app-name (str)
google developer code used to access google APIs, default values is provided in the personal configuration file.
--headleess (bool)
runs the scraper in headless mode (no visible browser)
-d --database (bool)
If indicated, a database will be created over the MySQL server (specified in parameters, or by default in the Database/ file)
--not-all-users (bool)
search only for the exact number of users specified in the 'num-items' tag
--mysql-host (str)
set the host name of the mySQL server. default in the Database/ file
--mysql-user (str)
set the username of the mySQL server. default in the Database/ file
--mysql-password (str)
set the password of the mySQL server. default in the Database/ file
browser: str representation for browser to use (One of: chrome, firefox, iexplorer, safari). Default: chrome.
driver_path: either a relative or absolute path for the webdriver file location for the provided browser. Default: chromedriver.
def_save_name: the name of the exported file from CLI. Default: save.
wait_timeout_: the time to wait in seconds for web element to be available.
pages_to_scan: the number of pages to scan from the explore url.
max_makes_to_scan: the maximum number of makes to scan per thing.
max_remixes_to_scan: the maximum number of remixes to scan per thing.
implicitly_wait: the number of seconds to wait in some javascript heavy pages (makes and remixes i.e.).
google_ktree_API_key: A token to use Google's APIs: Knowledge Graph Search API.
Once a JSON file was created after scraping some things, a MySQL database can be created using the build_database
function from Database\
from Database.build_db import build_database
build_database(json_path, db_name=['thingiverse.db'], drop_existing=[True])
# json_path: the path to the JSON file created from CLI
# db_path: the path to save the created database. Default: 'thingiverse.db'
# drop_existing: if true, drop database first if existing. Default: True.
Holds the information for all scrapped users
Column | Description |
user_id | automatically incremented id inside the database |
username | the username for each user |
followers | the number of followers the user has |
following | the number of users the user follows |
designs | the number of designs (things) posted by the user |
collections | the number of collections created by the user |
makes | the number of makes the user has posted for different designs |
likes | the number of likes the user has on his profile |
skill_level | the self estimated skill level the user set for itself (can be null) |
Holds scrapped information of things and remixes
Column | Description |
thing_id | automatically incremented id inside the database |
thingiverse_id | the thing (or remix) id as provided by thingiverse |
user_id | foreign key for a creator user as exist in Users table (can be null if user was not scrapped) |
model_name | the model name given by the creator |
uploaded | the date the thing was uploaded in ISO8601 |
files | the number of files posted for the model |
comments | the number of comments the model has |
makes | the number of makes (prints) the model has |
remixes | the number of remixes (modifications) the model has |
likes | the number of likes the model has |
setting_id | foreign key for print settings found in Print_settings table (can be null if no print settings were provided) |
license | usage license as provided by the user |
remix_id | if the thing is a remix, this is a thing_id of another scrapped thing (can be null of remix source was not scrapped) |
thingiverse_remix | the source thing for this remix in thingiverse id (can be null if has no original) |
category | the category to which the thing was posted to by the user |
Holds the information for all scraped makes
Column | Description |
make_id | automatically incremented id inside the database |
thingiverse_id | the make id as provided by thingiverse |
thing_id | foreign key for thing id found in Things. the thing it was made from |
user_id | foreign key for user id found in Users. the creator who posted the make |
uploaded | the date and time the make was uploaded in ISO8601 format |
comments | number of comments for the make |
likes | number of likes for the make |
views | number of views the make has |
category | the category to which the thing was posted to by the user |
setting_id | foreign key for print settings found in Print_settings table (can be null if nu print settings were provided) |
Information of print 'settings' creator's used to print a model (either posted as thing, remix or make).
Column | Description |
setting_id | automatically incremented id inside the database |
printer_brand | the brand of the printer used to print the model |
printer_model | the specific model of the printer used to print the model |
rafts | indicates if rafts were used when printing: 0 - no, 1 -yes, -1 = doesn't matter or NULL = wasn't indicated |
supports | indicates if supports were used when printing: 0 - no, 1 -yes, -1 = doesn't matter or NULL = wasn't indicated |
resolution | the printing resolution used |
infill | percentage of infill used for printing |
filament_brand | brand of filament used for printing. Note: for makes, this field also hold the color and material used. |
filament_color | color of the filament used for printing |
filament_material | type of material used for printing |
Column | Description |
tag_id | automatically incremented id inside the database |
tag | text of tag used in thing or remix post |
Since a thing can have multiple tags and tags can be related to multiple things, a many-to-many table tag_thing
is existing.
Column | Description |
title_id | automatically incremented id inside the database |
title | text of titled used in user profile |
Since a user can have multiple titles and titles can be related to multiple uses, a many-to-many table title_user
is existing.
Created by Konstantin Krivokon and Shlomi Abuchatzera Green.
Creative common usage 2021.