Priority queue node which stores the object entered, T value – object, int priority – the priority value
HeapNode<T extends Comparable> implements Comparable<HeapNode<T>>
Return 0,1,-1 depending on the priority of the value entered and then comparing the insertion order
int compareTo(HeapNode<T> node)
Class MaxHeap extends PriorityQueue interface
Inserting the object based on the priority
void insert(T element)
Number of elements stored in the priority queue
int count()
Return the highest priority element in the max-heap
T extractMax()
Class Student implements comparable
- Return the name of the student
String getName()
- Return the to be printed stuff as per the assignment requirement
String toString()
Person person = new Person(String name,String phone_number)
Return the name of the student
String getName()
Return a string as per the assignment requirement
String toString()
Class Trie<T> implements TrieInterface<T>
Delete the element stored with the given string and returns true if got deleted else, returns false
boolean delete(String word)
Return the TrieNode with the given String as key
TrieNode search(String word)
Return a new node with all properties set to null if the key is not found else return 1 node which can follow up on the given string
TrieNode<T> startsWith(String prefix)
Print the trienode with sorted outputs
void printTrie(TrieNode trienode)-
Insert the given value with the given key and returns a Boolean verifying the insertion to be true or false
Boolean insert(String word,T value)-
Print all the items present at a particular level in a Trie
void printLevel(int Level)-
Print the entire tree with all the levels separately marked
void print()
Class RBTree<T extends Comparable, E implements RBTreeInterface<T,E>
- Constructor
RBTree<T,E> constructor = new RBTree()
- Insert the given element with the given key
void insert(T key, E value)-
- Print the required node stored with the given key
RedBlackNode<T,E> search(T key)