Hacktoberfest is the celebration of Open Source Software sponsored by Digital Ocean, GitHub, Intel & Dev.
This repository aims to help beginners π€ with their first successful Pull Request and Open Source Contribution !
- Register for Hacktoberfest and get started to make your first PR.
- Make 4 valid PRs during the period of (1st - 31st) October to earn cool swags.
- This repository is for beginners who want to be a part of open source community.
- The best way to learn programming is by practicing !
- This repo contains programs in c++, languages along with DSA.
- You are advised to take references from these examples and try them on your own.
- If you dont find any folder related to your topic, kindly create one and continue with your contributions
- You can add programs in C++ programming languages, but your program must be different or unique.
- Contribute any algorithm, data-structure implementation or your favourite project.
- The pull requests must contain commits made by yourself.
- Repeated codes will not be merged.
1. Fork the repository
2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine
3. Change the present directory
4. Add your files and projects
5. Make a new branch and make changes in the repository with the new branch
6. Push the changes
7. Create a Pull Request
8. Keep patience for the project maintainer to review and merge the PR
β» Project Maintainer : Raunak Kumar Hackerank | GitHub