To create a telegram bot to send your google shared drive files direct links to your telegram channel.
1- Go to
login and create a new project
2- Search "Google Drive API" and enable it
3- In "OAuth consent screen" , fill details with (Testing, External, Add Test users -> your gmail accounts)
4- In "Credentials" , Create new "OAuth 2.0 Client IDs" with
Authorised JavaScript origins (Url from which authorization request will come) -> http://localhost
Authorised redirect URIs (Url after authorization will open) -> http://localhost/getToken
NOTE: change localhost URLs to your hosting url like in redirect URLs
5- Download your OAuth 2.0 Client json file and change its name to "credentials.json" and place it in your repo folder
1- Create Telegram bot from BotFather and get token
2- Create a local ".env" file with
token = your-bot-token
git clone
cd shared-gdrive-bot
npm install
node app.js
Now http://localhost will show "api running" if everything is ok!
Now open http://localhost/getAuthURL will give Oauth gmail authentication then give permission and it will redirect to a page that will show "token accepted" and bot will start running!
File app.js is the main file , tg.js and gdrive.js files are just for my testing.
Also change shared gdrive id in app.js file to your shared drive id
read documentation and it've a cool helpful feature to directly try the API ->
Bot running in TG group and contact for any query !