I am an Engineer by Profession.
I am building Projects with JavaScript, and React.js as a Front End Framework.
HTML5 JavaScript CSS3 Java
React Bootstrap jQuery
Git GitHub NPM Visual Studio Code Jira
I am an Engineer by Profession.
I am building Projects with JavaScript, and React.js as a Front End Framework.
HTML5 JavaScript CSS3 Java
React Bootstrap jQuery
Git GitHub NPM Visual Studio Code Jira
ImageHub is a simple Image gallery created using React that displays images , also you can seach the Images of your choice
JavaScript 2
Movie Seat booking : Showing number of seats available and booked with price and seats.
A simple application to maintain/organize the task
Chat application wherein you can chat to strangers/different persons(group-chat)
JavaScript 1
It is a simple Podcast Application Created using React and firebase.
JavaScript 1