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Collection of algorithms

Collections of various algorithms for different uses.


This repository contains lots of different algorithms, each one for a different use. Every code has a short description about its goal and behaviour.

Below there's a list of all the algorithms and their goals.


Questa repository contiene vari algoritmi, per i più diversi scopi. Ogni codice è affiancato da una breve descrizione e dal problema che risolve.

Di seguito è presente una lista con tutti gli agloritmi presenti e la loro funzione.

Algorithms List

Alphabet Ecnrypter: convert a message, from an alphabet to another one.

Anagrams: a simple code which find all the anagrams of a word.

Atbash Cipher: implementation of the Atbash Cipher (reverse aplhabet).

Binary Converter: convert decimal number to binary code and the opposite.

Binary To Hex: convert binary code to hexadecimal and the decimal number.

Binary Translator: convert binary code to text and the opposite.

Caesar Cipher: implementation of the simple encryption technique 'Caesar Cipher'.

Concrete Model: a simple example of a concrete model in Linear Programming (LP).

Fibonacci Number: find the 'n' number of the Fibonacci sequence.

Fibonacci Sequence: print the first 'n' numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.

Knapsack Problem: representation and resolution of the Knapsack Problem.

Password Generator: generate a random strong password.

Password Validator: check if the input string is a good and strong password.

Prime Factorization: break down an integer number into his primes.

Prime Factorization (Advanced): a prime factorization algorithm with better infos about the process.

Prime Number Finder: check if a number is prime or not.

Prime Number Sequence: lists all the firsts 'n' prime numbers.

ROT 13: implementation of the ROT 13, a special case of the Caesar Cipher.

Second Grade Equation Solver: solve a second grade equation.

Shift Encrypter: a simple encrypter/decrypter which shift all the characters by a given number.