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Azure C++ Utils : Azure REST API Helpers for Modern C++

CodeQL Build Status


  • Collect useful helpers for Azure REST API in a single location.
  • Header-only
  • Use Win32 functions on Windows


  • Use the nuget SiddiqSoft.AzureCppUtils
  • Include the individual files of the azure-cpp-utils.hpp to bring all headers in your source.
  • Copy paste..whatever works.


  • DateUtils (date-utils.hpp)
    • RFC7231 and RFC1123
    • ISO8601
  • ConversionUtils (conversion-utils.hpp)
    • utf8fromWide, wideFromUtf8, asciiFromWide and wideFromAscii
  • Bas64Utils (base64-utils.hpp)
    • encode, decode
  • EncryptionUtils (encryption-utils.hpp)
    • MD5, HMAC, JWTSHA256, SASToken, CosmosToken

The the documentation here

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