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All in one Windows installer v1.2.0 for Signal K server node


  • Internet connection during setup process
  • If you have already installed Signal K with a previous version of the installer with a version of NodeJS lower than 18,
    you will see a windows like this:
    Please see Upgrade NodeJS before !
  • If your current OS version is lower than Windows 10,
    Operating System version prior to Windows 10 are no longer supported with recent versions of Signal K server.

What's provide with this installer

How to install Signal K server node

  • Download installer at

  • You can verify the checksum of the exec file at
    Get-FileHash .\signalk-server-setup.exe -Algorithm SHA256 | Format-List

  • Execute signalk-server-setup.exe.
    Some anti-virus software considers that there are viruses in the installer. These are false positives.
    You may need to add the installer in your exceptions, it is sometimes quarantined.
    Please submit this file to your anti-virus support for scanning and whitelisting.

  • Select your root directory.
    Even if this is not the Windows specification, it is better not to choose c:\program files to avoid limited permissions in this folder.
    Instead, choose c:\signalk or d:\signalk.

  • Select the components to be installed.
    The Signal K as services option is selected by default, this is the most interesting option for all users. If you deselect this option, you will have to keep a Windows command line open to run the server.

  • Then click Install button
    If required, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable will be downloaded from the Microsoft web site and installed.
    And if this windows appear, please accept licence terms and click on the "Install" button.

  • Next step Install NodeJS

  • Several windows will open successively during the installation.

  • To simplify implementation of the https protocol with your Signal K server, a auto-signed certificat is generated at the installation time.
    If you enable ssl mode in the server, your web browser will alert you with the indication of an insecure connection.
    It's not ideal solution but at least it won't lock your Signal K server if you want to try the ssl mode.

  • The Signal K as services will bring up 3 message boxes asking permission to install the Windows service.
    Answer with OK.

  • At the end, check log if no errors and close the installer with Close button.
    The install log are saved to file install.log in the root of your install directory.

Your Signal K server is now installed.
If you have select Desktop shortcuts, you will find at least 1 icons on your desktop:

  • Start Signal K Service icon will start the Signal K service, you must Run as administrator this icon.
    If you don't want to have to select every time Run as Administrator, in properties of the shortcut, you have a options button Advanced..., click and then select Run as administrator.
    After that, You will just have to answer Yes on the UAC (User Access Control) question when you click on this icon.
  • SignalK-GUI icon open the web GUI of Signal K server in your web browser.
  • Signal K CLI icon will open a command line windows with environment prepared for running Signal K.
    This shortcut is most for advanced users.

The Signal K server Windows service is in manual mode after installation, to prevent the Signal K server from starting every time you start your computer.
To start the Signal K server Windows service, use the shortcut on the desktop Start Signal K Service or by the script start-signalk-server-services.cmd in tools directory.
Caution, these commands must be Run as administrator.

When the Signal K server has started by service or CLI, wait 20 to 30 seconds for the server to finish booting.
Then open you web browser at URL: http://localhost:3000 or use the desktop shortcut SignalK GUI.

The very first thing to do after installing and starting the server, is to create an admin user in the web GUI.
Go to Security => User => Create an admin account After that, restart the server by click on desktop icon Start Signal K Service.
This command will stop the Windows service and restart it with user security enabled.
Then reopen you web browser at URL: http://localhost:3000 and enter your admin account.

Then check out the website: or for more informations.
Or ask for support at in channel #support-windows

Software structure

  • c:\signalk This is the root directory that you choosed at install. All components are under this root directory.
    • readme.html minimal help file of installer.
    • screenshots screenshot for the html help file.
    • nodejs binary and modules for node js.
    • openssl binary for openssl.
    • tools Somme tools scripts to start, stop to manage your server (see below).
    • signalkhome home directory of Signal K server.
      • .signalk The configuration of your server is stored in this folder.

The tools to manage server (located in "tools" directory)

  • SignalK-CLI.lnk open a command line windows with environment prepared for running Signal K. You do not use it if the signalk service is running.
  • SignalK-GUI.URL open the web GUI of Signal K server in your web browser.
  • start-signalk-server-services.cmd start or restart the Signal K service, you must Run as administrator this script.
  • stop-signalk-server-services.cmd stop the Signal K service, you must Run as administrator this script.
  • remove-signalk-server-services.cmd remove the Signal K windows service, use this before delete the root directory. You must Run as administrator this script.
  • create-signalk-server-services.cmd create the Signal K windows service if you didn't choose it at installation. Cannot be re-run if tools\daemon directory exist. You must Run as administrator this script.
  • generate-certificat.cmd generates a self-signed certificate for the Signal K server in https mode.

Upgrade NodeJS

Since the installer in version 1.1.0, NodeJS is provided in version 18.
If you've already installed Signal K with an earlier version (e.g. NodeJS 10, 12 or 16),
it is recommended to make a new installation and then restore the configuration of your Signal K server later.

  • Stop your Signal K server stop-signalk-server-services.cmd.
  • Remove the Signal K service remove-signalk-server-services.cmd.
  • Close all windows related to signal K.
  • Rename your Signal K root directory: e.g. c:\signalk to c:\signalk-old.
    This way, you will keep your Signal K server configuration in a safe place.
    You can also Backup your Signal K server configuration in GUI server: Server then Backup/Restore.
    See also the tips here, about plugin compatibility: Installing and Updating Node.js
  • Start installer and install Signal K in the original directory: e.g. c:\signalk.
  • Start the Signal K server and check first without any plugins.
  • If everything is OK, reinstall your plugins, restore your previous configuration with the Backup/Restore function
    or by copying the saved settings files located in .signalk directory from your renamed directory.

Delete all of your Signal K server

  • This installation is completely free of windows registry keys.
  • First of all, if you installed as service, Run as administrator the remove-signalk-server-services.cmd script in tools dirrectory.
  • You can then safely delete the root directory e.g. c:\signalk
  • And that's all !

Rebuild install kit

  • Clone Github project: git clone
  • Install nsis-3.06.1-setup.exe located in src folder.
  • Extract located in src folder.
  • Copy the content of extracted files in the folder of NSIS install directory.
  • Extract located in src folder.
  • Copy the NSISunzU\Plugin unicode\nsisunz.dll file of extracted files in the folder of NSIS install directory Plugins\x86-unicode\nsisunz.dll.
  • Run NSIS.
  • Open NSIS\signalk-server.nsi file in NSIS.
  • Select Script Recompile
  • The new compiled install kit is located in output directory.
