A tool that deletes all subscriber-less SNS topics not being used as CloudFormation stack resources in an AWS account and posts a report to slack.
In addition to the base script, a CloudFormation template is included to facilitate the creation of a scheduled Lambda.
Alongside Python 3.11+, the following packages must be installed to run this tool:
- boto3
- requests
Additionally, you need to have both AWS CLI & AWS SAM CLI installed and configured. The following guides provide detailed instructions on how to do so:
There are two ways to use this tool: through local execution or a scheduled lambda.
- Clone this repository or download the most recent release.
- Export a webhook to the desired Slack channel for the report as an environment variable called SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL
- In the same folder as the script, run the following command (with the addition of any arguments from the list below):
$ python -m sns-topic-pruner -p [PROFILES ...]
Command line argument reference:
Option | Description | Required | Default |
-p, --profiles | A list of profiles to prune the topics of | Yes | N/A |
-o, --override | A list of topics to ignore | No | None |
-r, --regions | A list of regions to prune through | No | All Enabled Regions |
-v, --verbose | Output more info in logs during execution | No | False |
-d, --dry-run | Execute without making changes | No | False |
-h, --help | Show help message and exit | No | N/A |
- Clone this repository or download the most recent release.
- In template.yaml, replace each commented line with relevant data. Refer to the Lambda event variable table below when filling out the Input property.
- In sns_topic_pruner.py, replace the EXTERNAL_ID global variable string with the ExternalId specified in template.yaml.
- In the same directory as the template file, create the build directory for the project using the following command:
$ sam build
- Deploy the development Lambda function and associated IAM role with the following command:
$ sam deploy --stack-name TEXT --s3-bucket TEXT --s3-prefix TEXT --region TEXT
Deploy the production Lambda function and associated IAM role, meaning it will run on a schedule, with the following command:
$ sam deploy --stack-name TEXT --s3-bucket TEXT --s3-prefix TEXT --region TEXT --parameter-overrides "EnvName="prod""
(Optional) Create an AWS SAM CLI config file to skip entering these arguments every time you want to deploy. Learn about that here.
Lambda event variable reference:
Event Variable | Description | Required | Default |
account_numbers | A list of account numbers to prune the topics of | Yes | N/A |
overrides | A list of topics to ignore | No | None |
regions | A list of regions to prune through | No | All Enabled Regions |
verbose | Output more info in logs during execution | No | True |
dry_run | Execute without making changes | No | True |