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Releases: Silent-Alchemist/Blackjack-c

BlackJack C-Game v1.1

27 Aug 22:49
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Version 1.1


  • Vibrant colors have been added to the game! No more black-and-white screens of text!
  • Buffed pair hand chances: 1/59 ---> 1/52


  • Fixed dealer's blackjack on first dealing not being registered (would cause the player to play their hand even though dealer had Blackjack already)
  • Fixed dealer drawing when their second-hand total was higher than 17 (higher than soft 17)
  • Fixed player not receiving a push if both the dealer and player drew Blackjack (when the dealer drew a value 10 card first)
  • Fixed some critical errors
  • Improved some text formatting for more effortless reading

BlackJack C-Game v1.0

24 Jul 20:02
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First public release of my Blackjack C game!

Version 1.0

It should be fully functional; however, it is currently missing some features that I'll add in the future that will make the game visually more appealing and offer better functionality.