Different type of arc seekbar. Easy to use and configure your own seekbar using all the attributes.
- Basic arc seekbar
- Basic arc custom thumb seekbar
- Basic arc seekbar with animation
- Segmented arc seekbar
- segmented arc seekbar with animation
- Options with Basic Arc Seekbar :
- Change start angle
- Change progress thumb and its radius
- Show/hide thumb
- put progress thumb outside its track
- Change track width, color
- Progress color
- Option with Segmented Arc Seekbar :
- Change start angle
- set sweep angle
- set Max value for arc
- set Progress radius
- Change colors of progress and track
- Set progress thickness for continuous type
Basic arc seekbar | Custom thumb arc seekbar |
Segmented arc seekbar | Animate Progress on start |
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects { repositories { maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle file
dependencies { implementation 'com.github.SimformSolutionsPvtLtd:SSArcSeekBar:1.0.2' }
Use this code in xml file (Basic arc seekbar)
<com.ssarcseekbar.app.GaugeSeekBar android:id="@+id/progress" android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="0dp" app:layout_constraintDimensionRatio="1" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" app:thumbRadius="18dp" app:trackWidth="18dp" />
Now get the progress
view.progress.progressChangedCallback = { progressText.text = String.format("%.2f", it) }
Custom Thumb arc seekbar with gradiant color
<com.ssarcseekbar.app.GaugeSeekBar android:id="@+id/progress" ... app:startAngleDegrees="90" app:thumbColor="@color/colorPrimary" app:thumbDrawable="@drawable/custom_thumb" app:trackGradient="@array/progressRainbow" app:trackWidth="13dp" />
Segmented arc seekbar
<com.ssarcseekbar.app.segmented.SegmentedArc android:id="@+id/segmentedArc" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:max="40" app:progress_primary_circle_size="20" app:progress_primary_color="@color/color_progress" app:progress_radius="380" app:progress_secondary_circle_size="15" app:progress_secondary_color="@color/colorPrimaryDark" app:start_offset="40" />
Add animation for the progress, show animation when it is first time loaded on screen
// Create a function to animate progress private fun valueAnimator(oldProgressValue: Int, newProgressValue: Int) { val valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(oldProgressValue, newProgressValue) valueAnimator.duration = 1000 valueAnimator.addUpdateListener { view?.segmentedArcSeekbar?.progress = it.animatedValue as Int } valueAnimator.start() } // Add delay before starting the animation lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { delay(1000) valueAnimator(view.segmentedArcSeekbar.getMax(), oldProgressValue) }
Attribute | Description | Default |
startAngleDegrees |
From which angle do you want to start your arc. | 30 |
thumbRadius |
Radius of thumb in seekbar. | 11 |
thumbDrawable |
Set custom icon for thumb. | None |
showThumb |
Show/hide thumb according to your need. | true |
isThumbOutside |
If true then it will set thumb outside the progress track. | false |
thumbColor |
Set thumb color when not using any image/drawable for it. | orange |
trackGradient |
Used to set array of colors for track. can be used with single color. | grey |
showProgress |
Show/hide progress according to your need. | true |
progress |
Set default progress. | 0 |
trackWidth |
set width of seekbar track and progress. | 8 |
progressGradient |
Array of colors for progress. Can be used with single color. | green, red |
Attribute | Description | Default |
start_progress |
Set default start progress. | 1 |
start_offset |
Set the seekbar start offset angle from bottom horizontal center. | 30 |
sweep_angle |
Set total angle covered by arc. | -1 |
max |
Set the maximum value of the seekbar. | 25 |
min |
Set the minimum value of the seekbar. | 1 |
progress_radius |
Set the radius of the progress arc. | -1 |
progress_primary_color |
Set the progress color. | yellow |
progress_secondary_color |
Set the track color. | black |
progress_primary_circle_size |
Set the progress circle size. | -1 |
progress_secondary_circle_size |
Set the track circle size.. | -1 |
progress_primary_stroke_width |
Set the progress thickness for continuous type. | 25 |
progress_secondary_stroke_width |
Set the track thickness for continuous type. | 10 |
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