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A RabbitMQ HTTP API client written in Clojure and leaning heavily on clj-http. Does not implement all endpoints.


To install, add the following to your project.clj:

[rabbitmq-clj "1.0.1"]

API documentation TBD!

This project ships a DSL-like-thing to dispatch the correct commands. The DSL generally tries to follow the semantics given by rabbitmqctl.

(ns my.project
  (:require [rabbitmq-clj.core :refer :all]))

(configure :port 15000)

(dispatch :users :all)

The (configure) function accepts any of the following optional keys:

  • :host - Host of the management API (default:
  • :port - Port of the management API (default: 15672)
  • :username - User to connect as (default: guest)
  • :password - Password to authenticate with (default: guest)

These are maintained in an api var in the core namespace which is referred to by all the API functions. You don't need to call configure if you use the default parameters for the management API.

The DSL itself is as follows:

;; Overview endpoint
(dispatch :overview)

;; Connection endpoints
(dispatch :connections :list)
(dispatch :connections :list "mynamedconnection")
(dispatch :connections :close "mynamedconnection")

;; Virtualhost endpoints
(dispatch :vhosts :add "myvhost")
(dispatch :vhosts :list)
(dispatch :vhosts :list "myvhost")
(dispatch :vhosts :delete "myvhost")

;; Exchange endpoints
(dispatch :exchanges :declare "myvhost" "myexchange" {:auto_delete true})
(dispatch :exchanges :list)
(dispatch :exchanges :list "myvhost")
(dispatch :exchanges :list "myvhost" "myexchange")
(dispatch :exchanges :delete "myvhost" "myexchange")

;; Queue endpoints
(dispatch :queues :declare "myvhost" "myqueue" {:durable false})
(dispatch :queues :list)
(dispatch :queues :list "myvhost")
(dispatch :queues :list "myvhost" "myqueue")
(dispatch :queues :bindings "myvhost" "myqueue")
(dispatch :queues :delete "myvhost" "myqueue")

;; Policy endpoints
(def attributes {:ha-mode "all" :ha-sync-mode "automatic"})
(dispatch :policies :update "myvhost" "policy" ".*" attributes)
(dispatch :policies :list)
(dispatch :policies :list "myvhost" "policy")
(dispatch :policies :clear "myvhost" "policy")

;; User endpoints
(dispatch :users :add "myuser" "mypassword" "mytag")
(dispatch :users :list)
(dispatch :users :list "myuser")
(dispatch :users :delete "myuser")

;; Permissions endpoints
(dispatch :permissions :set "myvhost" "user" [".*" ".*" ".*"])
(dispatch :permissions :list)
(dispatch :permissions :list "myvhost" "user")
(dispatch :permissions :clear "myvhost" "user")

Channel and bindings endpoints are presently unimplemented, as are several of the other auxiliary endpoints. These will probably be added eventually, but pull requests are also gladly accepted.

You can see the disparity here.


RabbitMQ HTTP API client in Clojure






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