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Source code for lunch-ordering app for Lick-Wilmerding High School; built with Expo and React Native, uses Redux for state management and Firebase for data storage and web hosting.

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SimpleSubs is an app created for lunch ordering at Lick-Wilmerding High School. The app was build using Expo and the React Native framework, and it uses Redux for state management and Firebase for data storage and web hosting.


If you would like a demo or trial of the app, you can contact me at

State Management

SimpleSubs uses Redux to manage its global state. The following section details how the state is stored and used.

Some Types


Object representing a sandwich order

key (String): unique order ID (generated by Firebase)

title (String): title for any named/saved sandwiches

date (Object): date of sandwich order; Moment.js date

...orderOptions (Object): all order options (ex: bread, meat, cheese, etc.)


Object containing data for a user

uid (String): unique user ID (from Firebase auth)

...userFields (Object): all user fields and corresponding values (ex: EMAIL, NAME, PIN, etc.)


Object representing a category on the order page

key (String): unique key for order option

title (String): category display name

type (String): type of user input; can be one of "PICKER" (limits to one selection), "CHECKBOX" (no selection limit), or "TEXT_INPUT" (no data control/validation)

  • If type = PICKER: defaultValue (String): string representing the option's value when user opens Order screen; may be placeholder value like "Please select" or value within options (see below)
  • If type = CHECKBOX: defaultValue (Array of Strings): default selected values when user opens Order screen; empty array means no selected values
  • If type = TEXT_INPUT:
    • defaultValue (String): string representing default value entered in input
    • placeholder (String): placeholder in text box when value is empty

required (bool): whether user selection is required

dynamic (bool): whether the options are dynamic or constant

  • If dynamic = true: options (funcArray of Strings): function that takes state input and returns array containing selection options for category
  • If dynamic = false: options (Array of Strings): array containing selection options for category


...textInputProps (Object): various props for TextInput (ex: autoCompleteType, keyboardType, etc.)

fixValue (funcString): function to "fix" a user input value before passing it to state (such as removing whitespace); takes String input value (TextInput text)

validate (funcString): function to validate input; takes String input value (TextInput text) and returns error message if invalid, NO_ERROR string if valid


key (String): unique key for user field (ex: "email" for email field)

title (String): display NAME for user field (in Settings page)

placeholder (String): value to display when field is empty

mutable (bool): whether value may be altered after account is created

editAction (func): a special action to execute instead of editing field (ex: open change password modal); renders edit icon next to field

inputType (String): type of user input; can be one of "PICKER" or "TEXT_INPUT"

If inputType = "TEXT_INPUT":

textType (String): some pre-set options for TextInput text; can be one of "EMAIL", "PASSWORD", "PIN", "NAME", or "PLAIN"

If inputType = "PICKER":

options (Array of Strings): array containing selection options for field


key (String): unique preset ID; generated by Firebase

title (String): title of the sandwich

...orderOptions (Object): all order options (ex: bread, meat, cheese, etc.)


Pure Actions (return an object)

Key Description
UPDATE_ORDERS Replaces orders in state
UPDATE_USER_DATA Replaces userData in state
UPDATE_CONSTANTS Replaces stateConstants in state
FOCUS_ORDER Focuses an order (to be edited or deleted)
SET_MODAL_PROPS Sets props for top level Modal (can be used to open and close)
SET_INFO_MESSAGE Sets text for top level InfoMessage (for error reporting, etc.)

Firebase Actions

Name Description
createOrder Creates an order and adds it to Firestore
editOrder Edits an existing order in Firestore
deleteOrder Deletes an existing order from Firestore
logIn Logs user in using Firebase Auth
logOut Logs user out using Firebase Auth
editUserData Sets profile information for current user in Firestore
resetPassword Sends password reset email to provided email using Firebase Auth
changePassword Re-authenticates user and changes password using Firebase Auth


Object containing app state

orders (Object of Orders): object containing all of user's orders scheduled for the future (ids as keys)

focusedOrder (String): a unique order ID representing the currently focused order (null if no order is focused)

focusedPreset (String): a unique preset ID representing the currently focused preset (null if no preset is focused)

user (User): a User object representing the user currently logged in (null if no user is logged in)

hasAuthenticated (bool): whether the app has gotten its initial auth state

orderPresets (Array of OrderPresets): an array containing presets defined by user

infoMessage (String): info message to display in InfoModal (an empty String will hide the modal)

loading (bool): if app is loading or not

modal (Object): props for modal to render (null if no modal is open)

  • type (String): animation type of modal; can be one of "CENTER_SPRING_MODAL" or "SLIDE_UP_MODAL"
  • style (Object): style object for modal view
  • children (React Object): content to be displayed within modal

stateConstants (Object): object containing constant data pulled from Firebase; none of these constants are editable within the app

  • orderOptions (Array of OrderOptions): array containing order options for the Order screen
  • userFields (Array of UserFields): array containing user fields for the Settings and Register screens
  • cutoffTime (Moment): moment object representing cutoff time for orders