Automates the capture and crack of PMKID hashes, based on wpa_supplicant manager.
Without using monitor mode, runs on any Debian-based distro or architecture like laptops with internal wifi, rooted smartphones (using Termux / NetHunter) or raspberry pi. And of course with a usb dongle.
This program uses the debug mode from wpa_suplicant to retrieve pmkid from each parsed AP, and simultaneously uses an internal (very slow) cracker to retrieve the PSK password.
The program creates 3 files:
hashes.22000 Pmkids found in Hashcat 22000 mode
found.potfile Cracked hashs (hashcat style)
wpa_supp.conf wpa_supplicant Configuration file
- wpa_supplicant (to install:
sudo apt install wpasupplicant
) - python >=3.6
sudo pip3 install git+git://
sudo pip3 install --upgrade
Default Mode:
Once installed, simply call pmkidauto from the command line as superuser:
sudo pmkidauto -i wlan0 -w tiny_wordlist.txt
Use the optional -s flags to set the APs --scan_time and -t for the PMKID hash recovery --time_out. The defaults are scan_time=7 and time_out=15
sudo pmkidauto -i wlan0 -w tiny_wordlist.txt -s 10 -t 20
Crack only mode:
Use the -c flag to only crack the hashes, in the hashes.22000 file.
sudo pmkidauto -c -w tiny_wordlist.txt
You can also importing pmkidauto as module and using the Classes Auto and CrackOnly.
from pmkidauto import Auto, CrackOnly
auto = Auto('wlx8416f911a4b1',
crack_only = CrackOnly('tiny_wordlist.txt',
-i, --interface INTERFACE wlan interface
-w, --wordlist WORDLIST wordlist file
-s, --scan_time SCAN_TIME AP scaning time (default 7 seconds)
-t, --time_out TIME_OUT timeout to retrieve PMKID (default 15 seconds)
-c,--crack_only crack_only-mode on hashes.22000 file
The PMKID hash was discovered by the creator of Hashcat @jsteube, described here: